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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I think it’s very weird I haven’t gotten any ESPN alerts about it they’re usually all over these things if it’s as close as reported
  2. Oh yeah. We’re never signing a player like this.
  3. I have no idea who my new favorite team would be if this happened
  4. There is no rush at all to trade him, I don’t see how the speed of when the trade happens tells anything
  5. I don’t have the answer to that, but I feel pretty confident in saying it’s not because of lack of interest
  6. He’s still a front of the rotation pitcher with age and contract on his side. That’s not really debatable, and based off reports most insiders agree.
  7. What is a TOR pitcher? FIP-Based WAR rankings for Cease from fangraphs. 2021 - 13th - 4.5 2022 - 11th - 4.4 2023 - 18th - 3.7 Hes been roughly a top 15 pitcher in baseball the last 3 years, and considering there are only 30 spots for #1 in a rotation I would say hes a top of the rotation pitcher. What is your criteria?
  8. Texas lost to OU and barely beat teams like Houston and TCU You can make arguments for almost everyone like that
  9. So dumb, Georgia is clearly one of the top 4 teams in college football.
  10. It sucks but if Cease is traded how do you not trade Robert? Are we just supposed to watch this guy be bored out of his mind surrounded by absolute trash for 2-3 years? Whats the point. I can see him getting disinterested real fast.
  11. Literally anyone can DH, you don't have to be a big slow plodder to occupy the DH spot. That was what was meant when the Sox had too many DH's, slow big men who can't play anywhere else.
  12. Which is crazy to me as that is their job to know, when all I did was see a highlight package and was like WTF was this pick?
  13. We all knew this anyway, but man is this team going to be bad next year.
  14. To keep up the mirage they are still trying to "compete"
  15. Someone will definitely be willing. 28 year old starters with ace upside don't get overlooked.
  16. I’m not laughing at you, I’m just saying what a lot of these guys are worth is more than what fans think.
  17. Yes but you also have to remember Balta thought we would get a bag of balls for Giolito as well at the deadline.
  18. I think that would be a good get for us for sure. I don't see how that hurts Baltimore down the line either.
  19. Castillo was 29 years old and I believe had 1.5 years of control left. Castillo had more good seasons than Cease but mostly because he was in MLB 2 years before Cease debuted. Very comparable numbers. The Mariners sent 4 prospects to the Reds, 3 of them were in the Mariners top 5 prospects and 2 of those were top 100 prospects overall (#18 and #93).
  20. Meh, if hes having a productive season there's no reason you can't see Moncada moved for something interesting with the Sox kicking in money.
  21. They will for sure be in the market, but I don't think they will pay what the White Sox are asking. He's more valuable to a team like the Dodgers, Giants, Yankees, Red Sox, etc. because they get him for 2 years cheap and then they will still control him through an extension. You can pay the prospect price when you know you are getting many years of this asset. Baltimore, in my opinion, will not pay the fair price because they know they only get 2 years from him and that's it. I really believe if Baltimore was serious about it Cease would have been traded there at the deadline. They obviously got pretty deep in the discussions. You might just hold out hope they go "Welp, maybe if we had traded for Cease we wouldn't have been swept out of the playoffs."
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