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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Kong whos that girl in your avatar?
  2. What the hell just happened CBSSporteline said "Rowand in the park HR to left, Thomas out at Second." Can anyone fill me in here?
  3. I know I was just trying to trick some ppl into thinking he really was out for the year
  4. Do you think this finger thing is serious?
  5. and I was born and lived half my life in Chicago so insulting my intellegance is like insulting your own.. I wasnt raised down here in this hick state sorry
  6. When did I say everyone on the Sox was an outstanding player thats just the THING.. Everyone hates Koch because he doesnt have 35 saves and a 2.50 ERA... Well he is having a bad year but everyone expects him to be outstanding Same with Colon, Konerko, and even Buehrle at the start I dont think like a Cub fan either.. and HSC I never questioned you as a fan I told you I wouldnt I dont care who you hate I am jus telling you I like Konerko and if you try to tell me he had no good years I will argue that with you But your entitled to like who you want
  7. What did I just tell you?? I CANT go to the games or I would.. and I prolly would a lot more than you
  8. Dont ever call me a cub fan DICK
  9. you know what I can GUARANTEE you that if I still lived in Chicago where I was BORN I would go to as many games as possible!! Thats how much of a baseball fan I am.. I cant even begin to tell you how much money I have given to the Astros because of the games I have been too When the Sox came down here for interleague I was at EVERY game If I lived in Chicago still I could guarantee you that I would go as much as possible and support my favorete team but I am sorry the circumstances wont allow that but you know what, I still watch EVERY WGN game and watch every game that ISNT on WGN on CBSSportline.com
  10. Yes I did Like Clayton because he was outstanding in the field.. I will admit I wasnt sad to see him go but I can tell you that I didnt hate the guy and wished him off.. He did hit good before just bombing in his final years with the Sox
  11. Im not trying to say your not a fan HSC... but I am just saying you shouldnt dislike people on your favorete team.. Especially when you deny that Konerko has had 4 solid years, you know he has so just admit it because you look like you dont know anything about baseball when you say a .294 32 Hr and 91 RBI season is subpar Again, I am not gonna question your ways.. I am just saying
  12. no actually I think whats lame is that since your such a "die hard fan" you should like ALL players no matter how they are doing that wear that White Sox uniform.. I dont think it is right to dislike a select few, if this is your favorete team. I dont dislike anyone on the Sox, Im sorry but I dont. I dont care if Konerko is having a bad year because its not like he is a machine or something, everyone goes through it.
  13. Yes I can actually say there is no one on the Sox that I dislike.. Im sorry but I support my team no matter who is on it
  14. you cant be logged into the same site as two different ppl on the same computer.. It wont allow it unless you know something I dont we arent the same, why dont you get Jason to prove it
  15. Hey lemme just get one thing straight here rafacosta Mike and I are NOT the same person first, why the hell would I be running two names? I am not that obsessed with Soxnet to create two personalaties to use. Yes I know Mike and we use to live by eachother till we went off to college but we are not the same person.. How can you say you are "sure" we are the same person? I will bet you anything and youll see because your WRONG.. and I am sure that ANY of the moderators can proove it too! So think what you want but I have only ONE name and thats this one, I am content on getting these post numbers up, I am not runnin two names here.. Plus the other day we were both postin on the same post at the same time? hmm how does that work? How are we on the board at the same time? Quit makin s*** up Sherlock Holmes.. "derrr I know they are the same."
  16. Konerko Homers again I think he read the posts last night where everyone was bad mouthin him
  17. haha... why do they even let this guy play?
  18. haha my real name is Carl and 10 yrs isnt THAT long... later
  19. haha believe me... I am not stressin over you remember, you can always call me if you cant sleep I would love to argue with you over the phone... im 19 by the way so I am not that far off from you
  20. haha that isnt even my real name Steff so its not really botherin me as much as you think.. for someone so old you sure do act immature, like my age... geez
  21. anthony is my middle name anyways I like Ant thats cool
  22. hey if Frank can come back after that injury why cant he??
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