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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I swear if anyone on the Sox doesnt do AWESOME they suck... everyone wishes we had foulke back but when he sucked at the start of last year everyone wanted his ass gone
  2. Steff I dont know how I can get this through to you I know Koch has underachieved, I never said he has been badass this year but up to this year he has been a top closer, and he will be again.. I said it would be dumb to see him walk
  3. Wow.... I want to know what constitutes as a good season in your eyes... please fill me in and Bmr I wouldnt doubt that one
  4. I never said he was badass this year I said it would be dumb to get rid of him
  5. haha think thats Subpar but thats just sad... so whats par? .330 38 138
  6. I got nothing against Maggs I do have a problem with you saying Paulie had one good year when its clear to see that he has had 4 And I am not backing off Koch Koch is still gonna be a badass for this team, wether you doubt it or not "Ladies"
  7. Oh my god you gotta be KIDDING ME Is this BIZZARO Soxnet?? look at that .294 24 hr 81 rbi .298 21 hr 97 rbi .282 32 hr 99 rbi .304 27 hr 104 rbi ?? You find a PROBLEM with those numbers? Im not even arguing, those are good numbers
  8. How am I full of s***? I am sorry but Paulie has produced for three years straight and he has hit a skid this year.. you cant deny he hasnt been good the past three years Who cares if he "barely" bateed .300 He DID it thats all that matters... you know its better than the... hmmm... ONE player batting .300 on this team Maggs
  9. Yeah well I am pretty ignorant... you should know that by now if .280 with 28 HR and 90+ Rbi is SubPar I want some of what your smokin
  10. Man I hate when Women think they know what they are talkin about
  11. Uhh Steff you said you wish he would go away... far away What the hell is that supposed to mean you want him to stay?
  12. How can you say Paulie had one good year? He had THREE count em THREE good years... not to mention they were in a ROW... damn get your facts straight
  13. Hey Steff sorry I didnt respond earlier but I dont live my life on the boards.. Billy Koch is having A bad year.. and you say we should get rid of him? Well then I guess Paul Konerko is going to be along with him out of here in the offseason nevermind he was a .300 hitter last yr The POINT is he is having a bad year, he hasnt always been bad like this. I never said he didnt suck but I am saying there is no way you just make this guy go away that is stupid, because he is one of the best closers in the league
  14. im not b****ing I am just sayin its a dumb rule
  15. ok so I suppose we should get rid of Konerko too since he had a badass year last year and is dissapointing this year right?
  16. thats stupid... yeah one of the best closers in the league go away... good one
  17. Thats stupid... A save should be the 3 runs or less not this blowout crap that isnt saving anything... Oh well
  18. How? I thought you could only get a save by pitching in a save opportunity
  19. How come Wright got a save.. We were winnin by 11
  20. Well.. If the Sox are our favorete team I dont see why we always are quick to down them when they r losing insted of saying they will turn around' A lot of ppl are like that
  21. I dont get it... How can you say management sucks when... Colon Alomar Everett Koch We would be WAYY under .500 without these ppl and Management is what brought them here... Quit blaming someone who didnt even play in this game, thats juts ignorant
  22. if olivo hits like .240 with 20 HR's I think we win this deal... He isnt someone who we are DEPENDING on producing for us.. actually its more like a pleasant suprise when you see him doing good... His defense is awesome, thats what we need the most from him.. I think he is gonna be real good
  23. haha when I first saw that I thought it said he gave up 13 HR's
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