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Everything posted by T R U

  1. we do have a tough schedule but we need to really hurt Texas because they r not a very good team at all... we need to kill thst pitching..
  2. One thing is though that Buehrle is not a strikeout pitcher where as Cotts is.. So maybe it wouldnt be that bad, but I agree that Colon should be between them, it would really mess up hitters to see 88-90, 95+, 88-90
  3. Yeah Quickman I am pretty sure he would know seeing his is a pitcher for them...
  4. Its not speculation Bullard just said he is coming
  5. I think its time to see Cotts.. idont care if he walks a lot of people he doesnt give up HR's and he doesnt make mistakes. He is dominating down in AA and I think he needs to be given a shot.
  6. Dont even let this bother you... everyone knows the A's own us, I knew it was gonna be like this, lets just hope for 2 of 3 and were good. I hate the A's but bottom line is they have always owned us
  7. T R U

    Board Behavior

    I am 6'0 185 I am about to start football at Midwestern State University and I have played football all through high school so I know about weight loss and weight management and I can tell you that the main thing you need to know is just try to stay away from a lot of sugars and fats. Dont eat before you go to sleep because thats when fat can add up quickly. Also, drinking water will help you drop some weight as well because its basically nothing at all. When you drink soda that crap just settles right there into you. I dont eat breakfast either, but if i do I have like fruit or a shake. I mean you dont really have to go into dieting, just eat right and youll be set.
  8. Sorry but we do not want Saarloser That guy is TERRIBLE! Every time he comes into the game he gets shelled!
  9. Greg Maddux ALSO doesnt throw very many 90 mph pitches... Same with Jamie Moyer, that guy never hits 90.. What Cotts has is great movement, and I saw on another post here I think it was by Rex, Cotts uses all of the strike zone. top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, thats why he has some walks because he never throws pitches right down the middle to get hammered. I wouldnt mind seeing Cotts in the bigs this year. If he can help us, then I would like to see him.
  10. What the Cubs arent that bad... I wouldnt mind seeing them win the division
  11. I would rather see the Cubs win the division then watch the Astros lose in the first round of the playoffs as usual.
  12. Yeah Ill be sure to booo him heavily next time I go to the juice box
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! That means I am going to have to see him when I go to an Astros game!!!!
  14. it doesnt matter if you blow a save in the 8th or 9th... bottom line you blew it, thats all that matters. Koch does need to get some more flawless innings but that doesnt mean he needs to throw 4 pitches and exit the game like he did.. Gordon is very unpredictable Marte is the best option we have right now because he is not unpredictable. Wenever Marte enters the game I feel very confident with our chances. I think Marte should be the man for a while and mesh Koch back into the role and get that confidence back.
  15. Koch shoulda been in the game today insted of Gordon.. Gordon pitched too much the other night
  16. this is annoying watching this s***... The Sox cant hold a damn lead, it makes me sick...
  17. ALRIGHT!!! I thought I was gonna have to watch the game on CBS again! Sweep for the Sox!!
  18. Cards said they werent interested... and besides hes washed up, no use for him in a Sox uni
  19. I wouldnt consider KC one of the TOP AL teams... more like the top team in the AL Central because thats the only reason they are in first, beating up on this sorry division ANYWAY I am dissapointed because you know what I see... White Sox can beat the bad teams but cant hang with the big boys Im worried about Oakland and Anaheim coming up
  20. T R U

    Neal Cotts

    thats true.. Danny was getting roughed up last night
  21. haha but still it upsets to see them lose man.. Of coarse we know they had a long streak and have been tearing the cover off the ball but when they have been doing all this and all the sudden they get blanked and have 3 hits when they have been averaging about 10 its gonna rile some ppl up// Plus Dan Wright just plain sucks.. and that makes everyone mad too because look at when we have been strong, just about every start until the 5th starter spot then we cant do anything.. Anyway, No one is turning on them, but after getting spoiled with tons of hits and runs and pitching you do tend to get dissapointed when it doesnt happen.. but yeah they will be back soon, I feel another Kansas City SWEEP comming! We got Garland, Loaiza, Colon going against them and our bats are gonna get up again!
  22. Look im not trying to say I dont like Danny Wright because I do and I wish he would do good but I just dont think he is going to be able to.. At least not for the time being... You know that the rest of the year is real important because we are dead tied with the Royals Oh yeah, they just JACKED a 3 run HR against Wright so I think thats 6 Runs, 8 Hits in 6 Innings... are you gonna argue how good hes doin now?
  23. another base hit make that 7 in 6
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