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Everything posted by T R U

  1. 5 hits in 5 innings a 3 runs... Im saying Idont think Danny Wright is the answer at 5th starter, thats my opinion sorry oh yeah leadoff single by Boone make that 6 hits in 6 innings now
  2. Actually I WOULDNT be praising him if we were winning right now because he IS getting hit around.. They arent little bloop hits either they are all hard line drives.. I dont think Wright is the Answer... sorry
  3. Olivo woulda GUNNED both of them down
  4. Danny Wright isnt gonna get it done... Yeah he has only given up 3 runs but he is gettin HIT all over the place and hard... Unless our bats get goin and bail him out I think we need a new 5th starter.. Porzio again?
  5. Whoa your brothers a Cubs fan.... whats that like?
  6. man there is no way I would ever cheer for the cubs to win.. I hate the Cubs and Sammy Sosa so much! And besides, the Cubs would never be in a position to make the playoffs anyway so what does it matter!!
  7. I dont think Danny Wright is going to cut it... KW shoulda got us a 5th starter because I am worried with Danny Wright and I would feel better having a quality guy there so we dont have a 4 man rotation.. our starters need rest
  8. Soooo... pretty exciting board guys....
  9. Konerko stays hot... base hit
  10. Danny Wright needs to shave... Ive never been a big fan of his weird beard thing
  11. i bet he didnt get tossed because the ump new he messed that one up
  12. If that was Olivo in he woulda gunned Boone
  13. wow... Lee looked safe to me I am watchin on WGN
  14. Koch got 3 ground ball outs last night...
  15. Do we play the twins anymore? We have played them quite a bit already this year how many games are left
  16. Yeah LDF thats exzactly what I am gonna do.. Do you honestly think I care what you think? Your opinion doesnt mean crap, I could care less... You just like to think your cool because you can try and make fun of someone of a message board.. I did say sorry but I retract that now because your a jackass and thats about all I can say about you.. So like I said before, and I mean it this time... :fyou I am done talking to you...
  17. I can see Carlos Lee hitting.. .280 30 100 Those look like reasonable numbers for him to finish out the year and I am being basic here.. There are two months left and I am predicting like 7 hrs and 25 Rbis! Carlos is having a great year and its only improved with the rest of the offense comming around.. also I like him in the 2 hole
  18. I wouldnt have said anything about hitting him with a baseball bat if he wouldnt have told me to meet him with it, why dont you get your stories straight.. and by the way I am not Mike12345 I thought we have been through this before but you guys are too dumb to realize that..
  19. ahhhh forget it... I could argue with you all night but it wouldnt make a difference, you would still claim to be mature and adult about it when your clearly as bad as I am.. I apologized and u could care less so I wont be watsing my time with you anymore... Gooday
  20. lol... that guy is a schmuck
  21. I think your showing everyone the same thing... You act like your such a bigger more mature person but yet here you are arguing with me still... hmmmmm
  22. hahaha you dont wanna know what I think about you and Bmr.. you really dont
  23. Well whatever, I apoligized to YOU and tried to put this behind us but you woul rather have your "humor" and not cooperate with it.. so if thats what you want to do fine but dont tell me I didnt try to stop, I apologized and you and Bmr would rather keep it coming.. I got Allllllll night... so unless your tired of this I am not gonna stop I already tried, it isnt working
  24. So its ok for you to say personal stuff towards me but not ok for me to say something to you? Ohhh but your just joking Bmr.. oh ok well in that case I guess its alright
  25. LDF I just apologized and tried to make peace with you and again you do nothing but laugh so forget it and :fyou
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