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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Someone get this boy a shrink. This s*** right here Thats personal s*** towards me saying I need a shrink and other crap.. why dont you get on him for making it personal, Im not even talking to him.. but you WONT because hes your "Postin Pal"
  2. this is ridiculous... how can you even tell me its all my fault like no one said s*** to me and I just went around starting crap? That isnt even what happened... I voiced my opinion and ppl made personal remarks to it like i was a clown and other.. I tried to stop but other ppl strayed from opinions and started a personal battle.. I am guilty, you are Guilty, so why cant you just STOP right here... Ican see that you arent gonna be the bigger person so... look man, I am sorry we dont need to be doin this s***.. i know I was wrong, lets just forget it and get back to the boards.. k?
  3. I got a good feeling KC is gonna blow it against Tampa.. Seattle is playing bad baseball now too, I think we can sweep and 2 of 3 isnt bad heading back to the Cell where we play our best
  4. I SAID I WAS WRONG! Why do you keep saying I am saying poor me? I am not even doing that what do you WANT me to keep arguing.. I tried to admit I was wrong for name calling and you STILL find something wrong with that Im still here? Yes good observation, I see you are as well
  5. Koch pitches the 9th tonight... Did a great job why dont we get back on to what this thread was really for, and thats PULLING FOR BILLY!
  6. I didnt say that I would keep arguing I said that the argument itself would keep going and thats exzactly what happened
  7. LDF I can do this forever... Since your having such fun I am sure you can too
  8. When did I say I didnt like the fact that ppl have thier own opinion? I said that its because of different opinions that this s*** started, I never said anyone was wrong for it
  9. When I said we should stop arguing about this I ment EVERYONE should stop fighting about it and saying s*** back and forth, not that he (southSider) should just stop Dillusional?.. thought u were against the personal stuff there
  10. Well you can keep on saying what you want but the bottom line is I said I was wrong wayyyy before all this crap and I even said that we should drop this but ppl didnt let it go you can say what you want that I am a punk or that I am a little kid or whatever but like you said everyone has a right to thier own opinion and can express it on this board.. Well what happens when two ppls opinions clash and this crap happens? Cant put the blame on one person because if we didnt have different opinions this wouldnt happen.. I said I was wrong for name calling and I ment it, but you and your freinds just gang up because you think its funny.. Well have fun, but like I said I admited to being wrong.. all I did was voice my opinion I am sorry if other ppl are against what I think
  11. SouthSider I never said anything personal towards you as a matter of fact it was after your comparison post that I said we shoudl just STOP arguing about this! But I guess that didnt work
  12. Im not playing any saint role here... I said I was wrong for name calling a long time ago and tried to talk baseball with you... I didnt try to go and make things personal but when ppl say sarcastic s*** to me I say it back, I dont see how u dont expect that because your doing it to me now... I said I was wrong and admitted it and its written right there, I dont see why you still try to tell me I am wrong when I already admitted to it...
  13. Go away Bmr.. Im not even talking to you
  14. What about Page 5? At the bottom I CLEARLY say I wasnt right for name calling What are you trying to prove? That I tried to end this and say I was wrong but you ppl wouldnt let it go?
  15. I didnt say you were wrong and I was right.. I said I didnt wanna argue over this because everyone is just gonna state thier case and its gonna lead no where thats all that I said about it!
  16. LDF I didnt make it personal and I made a POST stating that and I am sure you saw it, go back and read and see what happen... I stated my opinion that I am allowed to have and someone said I was a clown for it... I didnt do anything wrong until other ppl started it when I asked for it to be STOPPED and if you dont believe me its all right here in the thread I told you I wanted to talk baseball and not do this, and it even says that
  17. LDF go look back to the 6th thread line of this and youll see where I ASKED for this argument to be OVER but no one could stop there Bmr your not some badass stop acting like it.. This doesnt even have anything to do with you you just came in and started talking s***..
  18. Yeah tell the Editors about this so they can end this stupid thread because all your doing is teaming up on me and fighting with me over stupid s***
  19. I gave PLENTY of factual things... and yes I know I DID get it from everyone because if I dont agree with you I am wrong.. It all started yesterday when I said I wanted to see Koch in the game and everyone said I was stupid and wanted to lose If YOU have any character youll stop antagonizing me and just drop this s*** but no you gotta call names and try to show me up and make me just go baclk and forth with you Say what you want but if you sit here and fight with me, you are NO better than me, bottom line
  20. You are making yourself look just as dumb by fighting with me, I hope you know that
  21. I WAS talking baseball but you f***s always have something to say to me no matter what my opinion is I get blasted for it, so screw that... You can team up on me and what not I dont care.. Im not a punk, obviously your just as bad as me by calling names and you cant even drop this so you are just as bad as me...
  22. yeah I am a punk you got me... Bmr if you think I am afraid that you are backing LDF I dont really care.. Your just two losers on a mesage board, say what you want I dont really care
  23. Looks like its gettin pretty heated in here... And I was born in Chicago, my Grandparents still live there... She lives in Joliet, so next time im there Ill try to get in touch with you You shouldnt be afraid I mean you all seem to think its funny to mess with me, and im a 5'0 100 lb dork... I mean come on you would kill me right
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