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Everything posted by T R U

  1. hahahahahaha 5'0 100 lbs? You think I am a midget or something...
  2. Yep im from Texas.. if your down here Ill tell you where I live, you can come on by what are you? Like 30 or something prolly some lame ass old man who thinks hes cool..
  3. Stick it LDF Im not even gonna bother wasting my time on you anymore... Yeah I am just some punk.. You got me.. I wish I had a bat and you were standing here cause I would blast you in the face with it... Oh no, am I a hooligan now? Come on, go ahead and say something else, you think your gonna bother me or something... haha... not likely!
  4. Thanks man, that was classy.. I would have thought you woulda said something rude or something like that.. I underestimate you
  5. Cool but your all stupid... so post what you want, you just make yourselfs look dumber and dumber
  6. again you fail to realize that most of those ppl have a hell of a lot more closing chances than Koch so those are not as accurate and why dont you all just shut the hell up and stop this because your gonna keep trying to proove your point and I am going to just keep going with mine and we are just gonna post back and forth so this is enough, no more of this!!
  7. Oh and by the way.. Koch had an 11-4 record last year but he only blew 6 Saves... Thats just something for whoever it was that said 11-4 is a terrible record for a closer because it means they blew a ton of saves.. Koch blew 6 saves last year 4 this year Marte already has 7.. hes on pace to blow more saves this year than Koch did in TWO years.. Koch Blew 10 Saves in 65 chances the past 2 years Marte has blown 7 in 14 chances this year I got nothing against Marte, he is a badass.. I am just trying to show you that Koch isnt as bad as everyone is trying to make him be..
  8. What are you talking about? Koch was a dominate closer... and he still will be... Last year he was 11-4 with 44 saves.. not to mention he pitched 93 Innings with 93 Strikeouts Now I dont see why you can say he never had a lot of K's because that looks to me like he K'd someone every inning.. hmmm Hes always had over 30 saves in every year he has pitched, and this will be the first that he doesnt. You cant say that with more chances he would have blown them all because that pretty much what your saying. I dont understand what your saying here, it just makes you look bad by saying that he has never been good when clearly he was a dominate closer.
  9. Read the post.. I said I wasnt right for name calling alright
  10. If you could just have opinions without name calling I wouldnt care but when i say I support Koch and want to see him in the game I get "Man your stupid" "You must want to lose" "Are you Drunk" and thats not just from you or CubKilla.. Aboizchiu or whatever was doing the same s*** last night.. You think I like posting arguments back and forth like that? I wouldnt care if it was a legit argument, but ppl act stupid on here sometimes and I am not saying that I am not wrong for calling names because I am, but so is everyone else..
  11. Dont act like i am the only one throwing names around here
  12. If Koch had been given the Marte/Gordon opporutnites he would have more than 11 saves thats what I am getting at here.. I didnt say that his stats where acceptable.. I just said that they arent as bad as everyone is making them out to be... CubKilla :dips***
  13. You really are retarded man.. If he would have been given more opportunities to close out games he wouldnt have a 5.4 ERA and would have a lot more than 11 Saves... It doesnt matter if he gets 1-2-3 innings as long as the job gets done.. He doesnt Suck with a capital "S" I think your just Stupid with a capital "S" for saying someone who was 11-4 with 44 saves last year sucks, I dont see where your coming from. LDF, I admit that a 5.4 ERA and 11 Saves are not great numbers, BUT, they are a lot better than what some of you act like Koch is.. You make it seem like he has a 7+ ERA and more Blown saves than Saves... I know he hasnt been what we expect but he hasnt been THAT bad, I do admit he has been dissapointing though but I am in no way giving up on him, just look at what he has done in his career. I honor your opionion and I wouldnt take anything personal to you... On the other hand... CubKilla is a different story... I DO NOT honor his opinion because he is a moron. He doesnt know what hes talking about hes just coming on here and saying "Koch sucks Big Time" hes got nothing, he says he sucks because he has 11 saves on a team with 55 wins... well s***, he isnt even the every day closer what do you expect? Billy Beane would love dealing with me? Yeah seeing I am a GM and all.. Why dont you bring better reasons before you start spouting off about why you think your right for saying Koch is the worst in the world.. LDF, I appreciate your posts, they actually make sense because you dont just come out and say "Koch sucks with a capital "S" when thats not evenr true... :fyou CubKilla
  14. I would rather have White than Ginter... More experiance also, relievers suffer big time from big innings Thats why White and Koch have high ERA's.. You give up like two big innings as a reliever and it takes forever to get those ERA's back down due to the fact that they pitch a small ammount of innings
  15. uh yeah it isnt that bad dumbass He hasnt even gotten that many chances and if he had more those numbers would be improved... moron
  16. I dont think Foulke would be worth 2 picks And besides Koch is NOT having a terrible year... 5.4 ERA and 11 Saves... I think its safe to say that he could be a LOT worse than that.. Anyway he has only blown 4 saves It really doesnt matter what your opinion is on this subject because Koch is gonna be here the rest of the year, he is gonna be here the rest of next year, and I wouldnt be suprised to see him here for a long time.. So you can go ahead and not like him or whatever, it really doesnt even matter... you can have your own opinion
  17. I know Koch can be a as good as he was last year and he isnt even that bad this year. He cant be the mop up man he needs to get some shots at closing and I dont think its going to hurt the team.. Koch is going to be a great for us and next year will be even better, we cant just give up on him we need to support him He could easily start b****ing about not playing and losing his job insted he admits he has been dissapointing this year and he is going to work hard to make it up to the fans and his teammates.. Thats a classy thing to do
  18. Thats what i am talking about... They arent a good team, they go out and buy their team I got no respect for them I would rather see teams that make smart choices and develope young talent that get good than a team that just spends 180 million to bring every good player.. Its ridiculous
  19. Is anyone else having problems with the site? Mine keeps saying 404 error a lot lately just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem
  20. So do we leave Schoney in the game? I wanna see Koch out there You know at least he WANTS to be out there and isnt being a b**** like Rick White is
  21. I just wish we would have nailed this thing down in the 8th... I wouldnt have put Marte in the game he has been AWFUL against Kansas City this year... Shoulda been Koch and Gordon or vice versa... anyway nothing we can do now.. Just hope we can come through here
  22. BMR you arent even involved with this so you shut the f*** up And Roman... I wasnt talkin about you when I said the fatass old man thing
  23. Ha ha your picture just tells me you look like some dumb kid which you most likely are... Anyway... Yeah I am educated.. I just graduated High School and goin to Midwestern State University Just because I have 2Pac as a avatar doesnt make me un educated Unless your trying to say that since I associate being dumb with black ppl... because thats exzactly what you are making this look like.. Maybe you should fix what you just said before you cause some real problems
  24. Your basing his closing ability on that one Carl Crawford at bat? Even the best closers blow saves and give up game winning Home Runs.. You guys are blowing this way out of proportion, you expect Koch to be a perfect machine but no one is like that Please argue with me, you make no sense
  25. Im an idiot? Is this April and May? No I dont think so Mike Ditka f*** you guys, I would be willing to bet half of you are fatass old men who have nothing better to do than sit on the internet all day and post about s*** you have no idea what your talking about... Its no prob though.. Your entitled to your own opinion but you are a disgrace to Sox fans and you make me sick
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