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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Yeah he has 5 loses.... but he also has 5 WINS so that basically covers eachother
  2. I am looking at the numbers Koch has 4 blown saves Marte has 7 Gordon has 5 I think Koch has the best stats right there unless your blind or just plain stupid But it doesnt matter now because Gordon already BLEW THE DAMN GAME We had a win now we gotta hope we can do it in extras when I think if Koch goes out there the inning goes 1-2-3 sweep complete You dont have to believe in Koch because I do and I know others do so think what you want
  3. You guys are so stupid... Just because the guy you wanted didnt get the job done your gonna say "Oh well if Koch was in we would have lost already." Blown Save 5 for Flash Marte has 7 Blown saves Koch? he has 4 "I guarantee that if Koch was in he wouldnt have gotten out of it." Thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard... your a Sox fan but you dont even believe in some of our players...
  4. Good Job Gordon! why dont you all start talkin s*** about him too now, I am just waiting to hear it
  5. I didnt start anything.. I simply said I was glad to see Koch warming up and I hoped he got into the game and then everyone was saying I was stupid and wanted to lose... Simple
  6. lol ok southsider... Since your such an internet badass... I think I will leave you alone I wouldnt want you to chew me up and spit me out, you crack me up... no really
  7. There is nothing wrong with using the word gay
  8. Good one... Maybe you should just shut up because your gay for even saying that..
  9. Southsider2k3 shut the hell up All of you were like "Your stupid" "Your drunk" "Do you wanna lose?" Dont tell me you want him to turn it around when your all like "Oh man were gonna lose dont put him in unless were up by 5" Koch isnt gonna turn it around unless he gets into the game Your one of those ppl who hate the sox players when they r bad and then love em when they do good so I dont even wanna hear it out of you and I am not gonna respond to any other post you say I am sure youll have some dumbass comment to make here, haha, go ahead I wont even acknowledge it, your a waste other than that... GO SOX! Nail it down Flash, I wish we coulda seen Koch though!
  10. SCREW YOU GUYS! I want to see OUR CLOSER out there and thats Billy Koch Thats what we got him for and thats what I want to see him do TONIGHT Your no Sox fan unless you wanna have HOPE for him to turn it around like I do and a lot of other ppl too! KOCH KOCH KOCH!!!!! GOOOO KOCH!!!!!
  11. YES! I think we are going to give Koch a chance to close this one out! I want to see him out there!!
  12. white isnt going anywhere So our only hope is if he dies... but then who replaces him?
  13. Yeah of coarse you can.. I was just saying there isnt anything that we can do about it
  14. you know... not EVERY pitcher can have sub 3 ERA's and be badass.. It just doesnt happen White is just not having a good year theres not much we can do aboutit but hope he gets his s*** straight. Till then there is no use complaining about him because he is gonna pitch how he pitches and thats all. Obviously we arent trading him and he is gonna be sticking around.
  15. Contrary to what some might think I STILL say the Yankees are gay and are ruining baseball In the rules? Whos gonna stop them when they have the highest payroll and no one else is even near it.. They dont do anything smart at all.. they BUY the best players.. That isnt smart anyone can do that. The A's are smart. They have 3X less the payroll than the Yankees and they dont have to go out and BUY everyone to make thier team good they have the peices. Same with the White Sox, we didnt buy anyone. The last time the White Sox signed someone huge was Albert Belle. You dont see the Sox signing 5 big name players every offseason and shipping off thier used goods. The Yankees are the only team doing this crap. And they dont develope anything at all.. they got lucky that Soriano turned out to be good and Jeter and Williams are two ppl in what the past 10 years? I hate the Yankees, bottom line... and if anyone takes up for them, your just as bad because you know this sucks that they can do this. There should be a salary cap, that would show the Yankees for what they really would be and give other teams the chance to be good. Its things like that.. that will prevent the Devil Rays and other teams from EVER being competitve.
  16. lol.. Henson needs to go to the NFL... My hometown Texans then need to turn around and trade his rights for some OL help!
  17. Thats true... the Yankees dont develope ANYONE, in sted they just spend all thier money to get what they want and it is messing up baseball.. I hate seeing these ppl go to the Yankees and its like there is no pointin even keeping track of a big name player because you know they are most likley headed to the bronx. Pretty soon Jeter, Giambi, Clemens, Wells, Rivera, Posada, and the rest of the old ppl they have are going to be gone and I would almost guarantee the Yankees are just going to be able to go out and get all start players to step in for them.. It pisses me off This is one of the reasons the Devil Rays will never be good.. there is no way they are going to be good enough to out due the Yankees or Red Sox in the AL East, I feel sorry for them. They are never going to make the playoffs, ever.. I dont see it happening
  18. Yeah but still... they get EVERYONE they want for NOTHING at all and I dont understand why teams fall for thier bulls*** offers Im glad the Sox didnt get screwed over in the Colon deal
  19. haha my bad... green would help though
  20. I wish the Yankees would be contracted.. I hate them so much, and I would love nothing more than to see them swept from the playoffs by the White Sox, that would be badass Im tired of seeing teams GIVE them players for nothing, its pathetic.
  21. If ANYTHING hitting straight fastballs is something we do best... Especially Maggs..
  22. :fyou Screw the Yankees I hate them... I dont think its right that one team can just go get anyone they want. They can do whatever they want and thats the only reason why they are good because if they need something they get them for nothing. When they got Raul Mondesi they traded the Blue Jays a AA NOTHING! Thats it, they get him for nothing. Then for Boone all they do is give em a guy who had Tommy John Surgery and Money, basically buying him off the Reds. The Yankees are gay as hell and I hope that they all get hurt and suck, I would love nothing more than to see them miss the playoffs and eventually just flat out BLOW! I hate em so much, and I hate the Red Sox too but I have to hope they beat out the stupid ass Yankees. Anyone else agree? The Yankees are ruining baseball...
  23. Jarvis is a waste.. I would rather see a better pitcher than him.. if one isnt available I say the Sox have done good with thier deals and they need to keep what they got.
  24. Red Sox got Brandon Lyon back
  25. the royals are dumb, they are adding these sorry players in hopes of winning the division when there is no way they are going to keep up. They are just gonna be dissapointed when they end up way behind the six. Im sorry but i do not buy this season just yet. If the Indians and Tigers werent so bad the Royals wouldnt even be in first place. They are like 30-11 against the AL central and they have lost to the White Sox 4 times already counting tomorrow it will be 5. They are like 9-1 against detroit and kill cleveland too so without that they wouldnt even be any good. I see the Sox continuing to dominate them and win this division. We own the Twins and Royals this year we need to start playing good against Detroit and Cleveland
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