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Everything posted by T R U

  1. They better just score some damn runs thats all I care about.. garland is throwing a good game and we are wasting it.. WHERES DAN REICHART!!!!!
  2. 2-out RBI's are HUGE, we need some right here
  3. The Sox better get those bats goin.. I dont wanna see the sreak end on a good pitching performance and no Run Support
  4. I hope they do... Garland is pitching a solid game so far I would hate to see a great effort go to waste especially with the KC Loss
  5. Typical Sox Game... Garland throws good but we score no runs for him.. His record would look a hell of a lot better if he got support
  6. Until I see One of those 3 the Rangers took in the Majors doing good, I could care less about them.. When they r in the majors doing good, then I will regret losing them, till then we did what we had to do to get better, and until it bites us in the ass I am all for it
  7. Your DUMB if you would trade Cotts, Borchard, and Rauch for Giles and Kendall... Giles may be a good LF but hes like 33.. thats too old to give up Cotts, Borchard, AND Rauch... No Cotts and I like the deal
  8. T R U


    Did I say Koch moron?.. NO I said WHOEVER the closer may be, thats all
  9. T R U


    Although I agree that Marte would be a good closer I dont want to see him there.. Not because I dont think he can do it, but because I like seeing him come in 7-8 inning and shutting them down to set up for Gordon (Or whoever our closer will be in the future.) I Love Marte coming in 7-8 and I like seeing him there.. If he is the closer, who will take over his job? Not Gordon
  10. T R U


    hey I would be absoloutley happy is Olivo is a .260 15 60 guy All we need to do is bat him at the end of the order and rely on what he does BEST, defense.. I dont care if he is average at the plate, he is ALL STAR behind the plate and thats what we need most from him although I do agree he is going to be a pretty good ball player
  11. T R U


    Thats right, this is like his AAA experiance but greater... who gives a s*** if he isnt hitting good you cant have EVERYONE in your lineup hitting over .300 unless your the Yankees.. ANYWAY Olivo is AWESOME on defense and thats all we can ask from him right now.. The offense will come around but this guy is still young
  12. YES! I can sleep easy tonight
  13. you gotta be kidding me, why cant they close this out
  14. Think what you want.. it doesnt matter
  15. im just glad we got past Delgado and Wells, now they can sit on the bases and watch the next 2 outs
  16. Ok so youve always hated Konerko even though he hit over .300 last year with 25+ HR's and PLENTY of RBI's?? Lemme guess, you hated him then too right? Whatever, he isnt a waste of Money because he is starting to produce He hit .198 with like 5 Hr's and 16 RBI's in the first half if he goes .330 20 HR's and 70 RBI's in the second half youll be saying "Oh I am glad Konerko is on the Sox"
  17. Ok well seeing since the All Star Break Konerko is OVER .300 and hitting well so I think you need to RE evalkuate your statement.. Paulie is goin back to Old Form
  18. Quickman you little b**** Your gonna post 2 times saying KONERKO SUCKS but then when he gets the GO AHEAD RBI you say "YES Way to go Paulie?" Your gay get outta here
  19. Hey f*** you... Konerko doesnt suck watch what he does right here
  20. OH MY GODDD! I was watching the game on CBSSportsline and it was still showing the pitch count then I came back to check here on the site and I saw YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS COME ON EVERETT!!!!
  21. Reichart sucks... Maggs can do this!
  22. OMG Bases Juiced with One Out... PLEASE MAGGS DO NOT GIDP!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GODD!!!! Come On Sox You can do this!!!!
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