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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Our pitching is the only thing saving our ass right now.. the bats are starting to come around.. by the way... who where the Sox gonna give to SF for Ortiz?
  2. I wish I knew, but I dont.. thats why I am starting this post.. If you hear any news on this second trade thats supposed to land a bat, please post here because I am DYING to know what they are thinking about doing, I need to know its bothering me soo much.. So if you hear anything please post! And dont do anything that you "think" will happen.. I want to find out whats goin down, not things that you think the sox should do, I want real info! So please post here when you hear anything! Thanks
  3. Mora will never have a .300 career average Hes 32, his career numbers show.. He wont be a .300 career hitter, NO WAY
  4. hahahahaha nah Im done Ive said what I needed to, Im done..
  5. Im sorry but I dont think there is anything wrong with saying Jackass... Your the one saying I attacked you, get over it.. Im faceless and bodyless on the internet, who cares
  6. What the hell does that even mean? Who said anything about petting sweaty things?
  7. He said it was a bat... we have enough pitching
  8. Well I wouldnt go out of my way to use two names.. And I think Jackass and Dumbf*** are two totally different "attacks" Sorry Arnold, ill chill out before you have to "terminate" me and if these "attacks" are hurting your feelings Im sorry, maybe you shouldnt be on the board if your gonna whine because I said u were a jackass
  9. Look! I am not using two browsers or computers or WHATEVER! And I didnt know saying Jackass was a personal attack.. you just kept making this dumb assumptions that me and Mike12345 are the same, and I just wanted to know how we were both on here at the same time.. We arent the same, and I am not doing some crazy computer trick either
  10. Gammons just said on ESPNews the White Sox are possibly adding a BAT to the lineup tonight but will not say who! I just watched it on ESPNews right now!
  11. I dont think they would throw in 100 million
  12. lol... sounds good... but Mora was 0-4 last night.. average is down to .356.. DOWN AND FALLING!!!!
  13. lol Im using two computers? thats funny, I dont think talking on the message board under two names is that important for me to hook up two computers just to "trick" you... And I am not making personal attacks.. you said "Maybe I should leave for a day and a half again." and I simply replied.. Maybe if your gone forever we will win the Series
  14. Yeah it was a joke, I was just trying to get some laughs..
  15. .......doesnt sound fair?
  16. Were both on the board at the same time... explain that one jackass
  17. I think if we play our cards smart we might be able to do this deal... Yankees Get: Magglio Ordonez Joe Borchard Neal Cotts White Sox Get: Jeff Weaver Ruben Sierra Cash We drop some payroll... get a good young Pitcher and Cash.. what do you think? Sierra would fill in for Maggs and Weaver is a stud
  18. Maybe you should leave for good... :finger
  19. Gammons was right about Alomar I wanna know more about this "supposide" trade coming I hope it isnt Singleton
  20. Did he say this will happen tonight? Or in the Future
  21. Where did u hear this? I want all the details
  22. Alomar may have been 5 times the player a few years ago but now he isnt, and maybe its because he was in new york, i dont know, but Jimenez hasnt been bad, he has done a good job.. He hasnt cost us a ton of games.. he is a good player and will be for the sox for years to come. Alomar will help him with his Defense and youll see.. Stats are everything.. It doesnt matter what Alomar has done in the past, its what he can do for us NOW! Thats what I am interested in, I like Alomar, but I also like DJ and dont think you should be as excited as you are DJ isnt gonna be playing because he is a good player.. Hitting .290 off lefties as well, so using him on the bench would be key
  23. You cant play these "What if" games because it just doesnt work.. What if Alomars first game he tries to steal, slides in wrong and breaks his leg.. career over.. and the Sox gave 3 players to the Mets for nothing.. what if Ring becomes the Mets closer next year and is lights out saving 45 games and holding an ERA under 2? You never know.. Yes Ring was just a prospect but thats the thing about prospects, you need to let them develope.. They arent called prospects for nothing.. I liked Ring a lot and really wish we wouldnt have given him away but as long as we get some picks from this I think we can replace him..
  24. No more DJ is a good thing to you? I wouldnt be all that excited seeing DJ has put up better numbers than Robbie so far this year.. If you look at this stat wise we have downgraded... Overall I like the move, I wish we coulda kept Ring because I liked him but I guess the picks we get will help us out more. Quit dissin DJ he won us the game the other night has been a solid player..
  25. Nice try? What r u talking about.. Do you think that it isnt even possible that I have a friend who is also a Sox fan who also agrees that Mora is trash.. Anyway.. if you dont believe me you can IM me.. T R U Perfection and by the way.. Mike12345's screen name is Mike4235 We arent the same ppl, so you can think we r, but your wrong
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