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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Eder's numbers are awful, hopefully they just have him working on things. Lets not act like Jake Burger is leading the surging Marlins to a deep playoff run. His power is still way down (Only 2 home runs in 23 games with Miami) and he has a unsustainable BABIP. The Marlins also are fading away, only 1 game above .500.
  2. Not playing the As anymore, these guys are just atrocious all over
  3. You're out of your mind. Billionaires have that money for a reason. If a pro sports team was a bad investment they wouldn't be sold for billions and people wouldn't be lining up to get one.
  4. Anything goes - JR realizes hes at the end of his rope and hires a group to conduct a thorough search for a competent baseball man for president who can hire his own GM and coaches. Money is invested into player development and scouting. JR stays out of the way and expresses his desire to this new group that he just wants to win another championship before its over and he will do whatever needs to be done. Reality - Please, anyone but Getz. Go beg Kim Ng to come be EVP she has ties to the organization. A house cleaning was needed, hiring from within a terrible organization will not fix a terrible organization!
  5. I believe this debunks that theory that Hahn was quiet fired and KW was now pulling all the strings behind the scenes. It was just total chaos apparently. Both these guys were on the field for batting practice right before getting fired, they had no idea this was coming (well they should have at least).
  6. Man I wish that would have knocked TA out, that would have been funny
  7. This game is over if JROD gets up with the sacks packed with seamen
  8. Why, if he does hit it will be weak contact at someone
  9. s%*# I wish it was 95 where I am. It was 108 the other day!
  10. This game is over if JROD comes up with the sacks packed with seamen
  11. For a team thats on pace to lose 100 games, there is no reason to keep Shaw over Honeywell in my opinion.
  12. Finished 81-81 last season and have been horrible all season in their "contention window". Nothing has happened in the past 24 days that is any worse than the past 24 months.
  13. I believe that someone had to twist JR's arm to do this, something happened. If not, this would have been done months ago. You can't let these morons run your draft and your trade deadline and then fire them all a month later. This season was washed a long time ago, I don't believe JR woke up yesterday and was like "gee, were pretty bad maybe its time to make a change?" We've been really bad since April.
  14. If Grifol returns and Getz is GM this news means nothing.
  15. The A’s have 3 division titles and 6 playoff appearances since 2012 so whatever they’re doing is better than us.
  16. It’s so comical they think they can compete next year. Are they going to sign 4 starting pitchers lol
  17. Yeah people need to get over it, he has nowhere to play here because of other stupid extensions and this team blows anyways.
  18. There’s nothing anyone could have said to make me believe this was a 95-100 loss team going into the season. This is truly an abomination of a season, just awful.
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