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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I think the disconnect is I am only talking about what he has done with the Marlins, not overall. His ISO is .156 with the Marlins, I don't look at it as .292 like you said above. Again, only talking about the difference between what he was doing with the Sox and what he is now doing with the Marlins. As it has been said many times, by all of us, its a very small sample size and a lot can change quickly.
  2. I did say plummet, because they have. I was just saying why do you keep putting those words in "air quotes" like it isn't true. And again, I want to point out I am not saying hes lost all his power, hes only played a handful of games with the Marlins. Its just what has happened right now since the trade. The ISO, HR, and Fly Ball percentages are way down. This could be because the Marlins told him to stop selling out for home runs though. White Sox Marlins ISO 0.313 0.156 BABIP 0.225 0.382 HR% 7.7 2.0 SO% 31.6 20.0 BB% 6.8 6.0 EV 92.4 90.4 Hard Hit 50.8 48.6 Fly Ball 25.8 17.1
  3. Pedro needs to go, but he doesn't have control of the roster. Hes playing the guys he has been given. Rick Hahn or whoever you believe is running the show has the power to focus on development the rest of the year, yet they still are rostering these guys. Grandal and Elvis should have been DFA two weeks ago. If Elvis is playing good right now, then let him go to maybe sign on somewhere to help with a playoff push. He is useless here.
  4. There is a lot of missing context here. All we know is MB sent Loria some explicit text messages after being traded to Toronto. What if they told MB they were going to trade him and he said "OK, can you please not trade me somewhere where my dogs are banned?" and they said "No problem." and then did it anyways. We don't know all the details, other than the end result.
  5. His exit velocity is lower with the marlins than it was with the Sox. I don’t get your point. All his power metrics are down since the trade, why do you keep saying “power” it’s fact not opinion.
  6. They don't even need to spend at the levels of big market teams. A $150ish million payroll with the correct resources added to scouting and development would run this division.
  7. That slash line doesn't show how his power metrics have seemingly plummeted since the trade. Like you said, its early.
  8. I get its how free agency works, I just don't know how any spending conscious organization can look at a player and see a non elite defender, a non elite bat, and decide that's the guy we want to invest $15 million per year to.
  9. Yeah I wish Benintendi was on someone else’s team. Going to be a long 4 years.
  10. Yeah good job not trading Bummer. This organization continually makes the wrong move.
  11. Why is Andrus leading off, better yet why is he even on this team. The towel was thrown in at the deadline youth should be filling this lineup not worthless veterans. I don’t get it.
  12. Should be top 2 from each division for a total of 8 per league
  13. Who cares, Anderson deserved to be knocked out and the fact that no one did anything just proves how this is hardly a “team” anyways. This is the worst organization in baseball, easy.
  14. Yeah super embarrassing, I wish they would just decline his option he’s a terrible role model and a lousy player
  15. Bottom line is, Kim Ng didn't call KW at 4:30 on deadline day and say "We want Burger, lets work out a trade." Discussions had already taken place, all we know is she said she called up KW and got the deal done. Not started, done. You are of course free to interpret that however you want.
  16. It was never said at any point that Rick Hahn had nothing to do with this, its all assumptions based on something Kim Ng said when discussing the Marlins deadline deals. Again, people are looking way too into this and I get it, everyone wants Hahn gone so any form of info that looks like its happening is going to be brought up.
  17. You’re exactly right, which just means KW is just as responsible for this mess as Hahn is and they all need to go.
  18. Im from "Chicago", uniforms also though.
  19. I will say this, and maybe it isn't relatable at all but who knows. In my job, there are certain vendors we use and I have contacts that I work with when using those vendors. Sometimes, when there is something urgent that needs to get done I will go above the contact I usually work with to talk with a higher up to make sure what I need happens or gets done.
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