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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Sir, this team is 21 games under .500 in the middle of their "contending window". Mixed results my ass buddy.
  2. Except they can just trade him later or let him walk after next year for a comp pick and they'll develop another Bieber because that's what good organizations can do.
  3. Yeah, how anyone could possibly believe someone was losing their job or Hahn was quiet fired is crazy. That's not how JR does things.
  4. They can't trade Cease, it would be an admission of failure. They are going to limp this thing through as long as possible until it finally just dies. At least that's what I am getting from all of this.
  5. The stretch of the team being good wasn't a fluke for reasons you have said above, but the 2005 season in particular where four starting pitchers started 32+ games and threw over 200 innings and we had career years from almost all relievers was definitely a fluke.
  6. They're going to lose 100. Hell, the next 16 games are against the Guardians, Rangers, Yankees, and Brewers. How many of those are they realistically going to win with no pitchers.
  7. You should understand it, they believe they can still contend next season
  8. Remember when they said we couldn’t afford Harper and Machado because we needed money to resign our players down the line and here we are down the line and practically none of them are worth resigning.
  9. For what its worth, MLB.com has updated its prospect rankings and they have Quero at #2 and Bush at #5
  10. I can't wait for them to finish making all these trades and then trying to project what the 2024 roster will look like and how in the blue hell they plan on being competitive with that roster.
  11. So would I, but they only did this once in JR's entire reign and it has now epically failed. Its time to get back to the Sox I grew up loving, the ones who just won between 78-85 games a year every year and were never a threat to do anything.
  12. We shipped off two rentals who will be used for approx. 2 months and we got back potential that will be with this team for multiple years. It boggles my mind that people on here aren't ok with this. This isnt Chris Sale, Adam Eaton, and Jose Quintana getting traded with a roster purge. This was expiring assets being moved for something rather than nothing.
  13. 55 BB's to 53 K's for a 20 year old in AA is some serious plate discipline. I loved seeing that.
  14. I agree with everything you said above, these guys are prospects and they are now in the hands of an incompetent organization. I would still rather have that then nothing, even if that means the Sox f*** it up and he flames out. The chance of him being a great player for us is always better than no chance.
  15. I just have a hard time believing that KW with one foot out the door has taken over and Hahn has been told hes out, but hes still needs to go pretend to be the GM until the season is over? Does that make sense to you or seem plausible? You know why Rick Hahn looks shook, because he ran his mouth about parades and this and that and now his team is 20+ games under .500 and he has to answer to his failures.
  16. You have every right to be upset and vocal about it. This franchise has done nothing to avoid harsh criticism. They have done almost nothing right at all. I can respect your opinion that they traded too early. I don't see any reason to be upset with the return they did get though. They got a nice main piece as well as a SP the system is in dire need of. Could we have gotten more in a few days? Maybe. I am happy with the return.
  17. There's no pleasing some of you people. Giolito and Lopez were walking away for nothing at the end of the season, best case scenario some comp pick in the 3rd round range. Today, we have a new top 100 prospect and another pitching prospect. For two guys who weren't going to be here. Yeah, we get it this organization sucks.
  18. He’s thrown 1 inning since 7/20 so it’s possible
  19. This is good, I hope they lose every game the rest of the year.
  20. Yeah, if people are striking out nobody is advancing on the bases.
  21. So dumb to start this guy tonight, there was no benefit what so ever to do this.
  22. No chance Burger makes that play at third. Moncada trying to cost Bob a bet tonight.
  23. Actually word around soxtalk is he’s a star
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