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Everything posted by T R U

  1. So sick of watching all these plodding unathletic fucks
  2. This season was officially over long ago my man
  3. Lu Puss is such a terrible nickname when Lucass flows so much better
  4. For sure but I’m not sure he’s a deadline deal guy
  5. I still think they can get a good return on Anderson and Giolito.
  6. There is a difference between intentionally throwing games and fielding a roster that just isn't any good. Even if we were "tanking" the players on the field are still trying because its their career and they want to make money. There's nothing wrong with that approach when trying to rebuild an organization. If they had players and coaches intentionally throwing games, that's a different story. We could all have loyalty to the team, every game a sell out, and take pride win or lose. None of that would change whats happening this season. This is a bad team, and the fans shouldn't be forced to accept it. If this organization held people accountable and made changes when they were needed I would be fine as a fan. They don't. No one loses their job for poor performance around here. We are stuck to deal with this. Its bullshit, I am tired of it.
  7. Hopefully something, it will be better than floating around .500 again and keeping the same stale routine going.
  8. Sure they do, hell the team in the World Series last year fired their manager mid season.
  9. I’ll need to see it to believe it for sure.
  10. It was “fire someone” bad weeks ago
  11. Who gives a f***, they should run this whole team into the ground.
  12. Why not? It’s not like he’ll be around the next time this teams good.
  13. Just stop with this non sense. They’re getting pasted right now by the shitty royals 9-4!! In the 6th inning. Don’t do this to yourself.
  14. Rick Hahn is definitely the worst GM in the league and its because anyone else as bad as he has been has LONG SINCE BEEN FIRED BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN YOUR GM HAS FAILED CONSTANTLY.
  15. Too many HRs being given up by Kopech. That’s going to hurt when we’re not playing rebuilding teams with no talent.
  16. Wait till the deadline so some team like Pittsburgh thinks they have a chance and overpay.
  17. I care, because it’s time he’s missing that could be boosting his trade value.
  18. The best thing to happen for this franchise is a terrible year followed by a house cleaning. Hire a new head baseball man, let him decide the manager and get the stench of failure scrubbed from this franchise.
  19. Literally anyone, we can use hindsight to say that Lenyn Sosa at SS the entire time Tim was out would have changed nothing with how the season has gone.
  20. He sucks, easiest call to make going into this season. We could have left Sosa or Romy out there all year and gotten the same production. We have two spots for non pitchers already dedicated to players who offer nothing outside of one specific thing. Andrus with defense and Hamilton with base running. Total wastes.
  21. It’s black and white, no other mlb hat like it
  22. s%*# not me. I want them to lose every game. Its time for change.
  23. Wasn't this guys specialty that he didn't walk people?
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