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Everything posted by T R U

  1. 1,100 yards receiving is not all that impressive anymore when talking about WRs
  2. Look, it’s a good deal for the Bears when you consider they don’t need to draft a QB. I personally think it was a little light though.
  3. Guys, if DJ Moore had 1st/2nd round value he would have been traded at the deadline with mccaffrey
  4. I cant imagine a scenario where the Texans give up the 12th overall pick to move from 2 to 1. While I think they could pass on QB this year and wait for next years loaded class, the fan base wont allow it so I think if they have a couple of these guys closely ranked they will just take whoever is there at 2. I think the likeliest trade partner is Indy if they do trade. Or the Texans too I guess, but I don't see it having #12 involved.
  5. Eesh.. I like it better when bullshit like this happens to other peoples favorite teams
  6. Like I said, it wouldn’t happen and if the Sox chose to do that I would be upset about it. However. Sheets was playing out of position too so you can’t use that excuse there AND the point was that platoon would be similar or better than Vaughn not what’s best for roster construction.
  7. It would never happen but I don't think a Burger/Sheets 1B platoon out producing Vaughn is really that outlandish, absurd, or desperate to be honest with you. One of these is Vaughn last year, the other is Sheets/Burger 510 ABs - 28 2B - 17 HR - 76 RBI 545 ABs - 28 2B - 23 HR - 79 RBI
  8. Of course, we will see what happens when the security blanket of playing out of position is no longer there.
  9. You mean you don't like un-athletic 1B with "meh" power and no real stand out tools?
  10. I don’t see this ever working. It’s not like football where you still may lose a challenge, you’ll know for sure if it was a strike or ball and it seems like that would be challenged constantly all game and end up slowing the game down. I would rather they just keep human umps making judgement calls, but doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.
  11. Odds that this is the opening day lineup (position wise, obviously in a different order) ??
  12. Sarcasm? You're paying for 9 innings of baseball, what does it matter how long it takes.
  13. I agree with this. Yes, the regular season is more fun when in contention and yes its great to watch playoff games that include the Sox. It is, however, soul crushing to spend an entire 162 game season putting in the time and commitment to watching probably 140 of these games if not more only to see them get unceremoniously dumped in the first round. I understand what hes trying to say.
  14. Yeah I guess if I can just craft what I want to use that's fine, but I do miss the old school way of going into a dungeon and getting a new weapon to use to do new things through the rest of the game. Same with armor/tunics. I guess its cool I can just go buy it if I want it but doing a puzzle or dungeon to get the item was always fun.
  15. Hopefully they ditch the breakable weapon system. It sucked using a weapon you really liked and then the game is just like "Sorry, its broken and gone now"
  16. I don't expect him to struggle and be left in the lineup. I expect him to be DFA at some point this year. I don't like the move simply because its just not necessary. Our season wont make or break by the position of 2B and I would rather see younger players with more upside get the opportunity right away rather than watching Andrus. Especially in the off chance that he does struggle and they keep throwing him out there. I hope he kills it, that would be awesome. Nothing suggests that will be the case.
  17. The numbers tell you this information. As has been laid out in numerous posts not only in this thread but on this board, Andrus hasn't been good for quite a while. I am not taking his fluky 43 game sample size with us last season that its what were getting moving forward. He is also about to be throw into a position hes literally never played before in the MLB. There's plenty of reason to be skeptical of this signing and what were going to get from him, its not just made up thoughts.
  18. Right, just going off what has been reported though it certainly seems like he is going to be the 2B and not just a depth guy. It just feels like everyone remembers what he did in the small sample size with the Sox and not what he has been for many years now.
  19. There was a great post earlier in the thread showing how much better Leury Garcia has been than Andrus for the last several years. There just isnt a whole lot of positives I can see from this signing, but you are correct, $3million isnt a big deal.
  20. He is absolutely blocking people. Andrus is a patch, not a long term solution. He also isn't going to make or break this season so whats the purpose of spending that $3 million when you will more than likely get the same from a handful of guys already in the organization? Controllable players with more upside now and in the future not getting the job because of this signing, that would be blocking. If he was signed for depth, sure whatever I can live with that. He wasn't though, he was declared the 2B from what I have seen. It reeks of the White Sox seeing that small sample size and thinking they have solved the problem.
  21. Great post. The odds are heavily favored that one of our internal options for 2B will outperform or match Andrus and they are practically free. While 3 million isn't a big commitment, this still seems like a waste of resources for a team that has openly been crying poor this off-season.
  22. I can’t believe there are people here that like this. What a waste of money.
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