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About RibbieRubarb

  • Birthday 02/09/1972

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    Your Mom

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    The shrimp cocktail every morning
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2006: Funniest Poster
  • Favorite Sox player
    Frank Thomas
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Colson Montgomery
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Being in attendence at the '83 clinching game and '93 clinching game. Oh and 2005...the whole year!!!
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Oscar Gamble

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. ESPN is reporting the White Sox have come to terms with new Manager Rony TaLussa. "Rony may be a relative unknown in baseball circles, but he is just what this team needs in my opinion." - Chairman Jerry Reisnsorf
  2. Which will lead into the "best shape of their lives" story-line in the Spring
  3. What would that booth be more packed with...Unbridled Vitriol or Empty Old Style cans?
  4. Are they sending JR's dusty checkbook or TLR's pillow to the Hall of Fame to commemorate the occasion?
  5. The fact the White Sox will not have chance at Ethan Holliday or a top 10 pick after this season is the "Chef's Kiss" to cap it all off...
  6. It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our exes...
  7. Sox acquiring a case of Bud from St. Louis and grocery store sushi from LA. Getz called them both leaders.
  8. I was at the last two games with my Son, who is a Sox fan but Rangers fan first, said: "Man, we needed the Sox right now" So...there is a positive to this season...my son is happier about the Rangers. ?‍♂️
  9. What did Bruce's X equal in this equation, may I ask?
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