As I sit here in the press box overlooking Downtown Baghdad, I wish that Jerry Reinsdorf could be here watching this with me. See, King Jerry, as I like to call him and Price Kenny, as I like to call him, should take a lesson from the new Iraqi leaders on how to control a angry mob.
They won't.
King Jerry will sit high atop his Distaster on 35th Street as the body parts of local suburban families are set flying through the air on another half-price night sponsered by the WWE. Prince Kenny will figure out another three way trade for Johnny Badarm to rescue his pitching staff and Sox fans will party at the CellMall in images eerily reminiscent of the opening scenes of 2001.
Maybe Chicagoans and Suburbanites will wise up and head 8.1 miles North instead...Hey, you may get shot, but at least your but you'll have a great time before that!