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Everything posted by RibbieRubarb

  1. :fyou to Mags for also saying he hates Children and thinks America sucks! Since we're allowed to make things up to prove our points
  2. Give me a break!! Blow this up??? Have you watched the Video? His legs slammed the kid into the hard seats in front of him. I am positive you have NO kids or neices or nephews. You and that jerk are the ONLY ones thinking that it wasn't anything big...
  3. That has the be the greatest MOMENT in Sports in the last 25 years, but the 96 Bulls team was DOMINANT for an entire season and had the greatest athlete in competitive sports on it's roster... Luc Longley
  4. The would play it as they warmed up on the field before the first pitch. Right after the "White Sox Sonata". But, no, nothing like it is now.
  5. This kind of thing doesn't make me angry...it makes me sad. I think the worse thing this "guy" did was his display after the fact. He KNEW he knocked into the kid, the mother was screaming at him, as were the fans; he did nothing but act proud of himself and prod the crowd more. That was THE disgusting display. Where was security? A fan endangering another fan be leaping across seats could be ejected.
  6. Whew...it says nothing about young boys!!
  7. They have been playing Thunder for years now, well before MJ&H... At least since 2000.
  8. No one was "worried". Can't we post something humorous?
  9. And the bad side only 35 were strikes...
  10. It must be something in water in one of the 10,000 lakes... This is from the Minnesota Star Tribune http://online.startribune.com/nuke/twins/
  11. Choke on that crow Joe! http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/s.../8916419.htm?1c
  12. What?!? I thought he loved being on this team?!? Stupid move on Frank's part during the season...way to upset your fellow players! Since someone bumped my thread from last year, I thought I'd contribute to mass confusion.
  13. Invading our turf?!? Watch your back Southie!!
  14. Just got back from seeing this and I wasn't that sickened by it. Bill Murray was inspired as Garfield, but the rest ZZZZZZZZZZ Nermal was in it, but he was in NO way the "World's Cutest Cat" Nermal we all know. By the way, Roger Ebert gave this Three Stars and a Thumbs up!
  15. I'd rather see Paulie in RF and Gload at Third...eeek
  16. Now that the game is cancelled, will they push everyone back a game? Shoey on Fri Esteban on Sat. Mark on Sun. With an off day on Monday, when is the next time a 5th starter is needed. I'm too lazy and drugged up to check!
  17. NO, I will be seeing this movie on Friday or Saturday. But then again, I have a five year old son who wants to see it...
  18. I got an idea...Don't go. Stay home and drink as many Beers as you want. The fact it doesn't bother some of us seems to irritate you more than the beer restrictions themselves...weird.
  19. I had NO problem with the restrictions. I was with three other buddies last night in 159, we all got up to get beers together, got 4, sat back down. We didn't wait in line long. But then again we knew of the restrictions from the three articles in the paper. By the 8th inning, we were in the bullpen bar where there are NO restrictions. By the way, if you have season tickets in the upper deck ( like I do) they allow you onto the main level.
  20. 9.46746% - Geekish Tendencies I thought I was more of a geek... I like geekish things, just not enough, I guess.
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