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Everything posted by RibbieRubarb

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 12:02 PM) I thought we had covered what we meant. Even though I said I'm rooting for them to lose, I'm not happy if they lose. Rather, it's more of an acceptance that them losing is the best thing that could happen. I was thrilled with Saturday night's game with Buehrle and Fields playing well. I see you position man. Your pissed...I'm pissed. All I'm saying is never root for your team to lose. Get pissed. Boo the hell out of them. Throw your remote at the TV. Rant. Never, though, cheer for the other team to beat your team. Boo your team...Boo their team.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 11:56 AM) If you think that's true, then I'll counter that anyone who doesn't understand why a Sox fan would want them to lose right now doesn't understand baseball (or the Sox's front office). I'm mad. Im pissed off at them. I hate they way they are playing. Kenny needs to get pissed and do what he needs to do to right the ship and make sure its set for the future. But I will never seriously root for my team to LOSE. EVER That is someone who never understood baseball or what it means to be a fan. I'm sorry.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 11:56 AM) [sigh] I will admit seeing my quote I am a little disappointed in myself for Kenny's rant not being a little more profanity laced, and not including the destruction of an innocent piece of furnature and/or meal. You think he threw Ozzie's sushi at Paulie?
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 11:49 AM) Which is evident by the bathroom lines!!! In an odd way I miss the days when I didn't have to wait in line for everything and Me and Rob were the only guys in the UD. What we sacrifice for what we love, eh?
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 08:04 AM) Or.. "Just because you have a cushy contract doesn't mean your ass is safe... " Or.. "Paul, I got a bus to 'anywhere but here' with your name on it...pass it around" Kenny is not afraid to trade anyone...trust me. Another thing... If someone is rooting for the White Sox to lose, that does not make them a bad White Sox fan. They are just not a White Sox fan at all, good or bad. They should move on to another team. The Brewers are in first place. The Cubs are hot (in the media) again. The Indians could use your cynicism. Have fun. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2007 -> 11:48 AM) But they do make the rockin world go round! I love it when you quote Queen
  6. Welcome Aboard!!! I feel for a Tribe fan...sure their team is feeling success right now, but every fan wants that ultimate prize. The World Series Championship. The Indians really got bit in 1995 and 1997 and they haven't had a WS champ in a VERY long time. Second only to the Cubs. As a Sox fan, I understand their misery, excitement and trepidation about this season. Even though we suck right now, I'm sure they would take a year of sucking for the taste of a championship. We can still savour ours from 1 1/2 years ago.
  7. RibbieRubarb


    QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 18, 2007 -> 10:43 AM) OMG, anyone who watched and wasn't rolling on the floor during Drama's 5 second part in Medillen just doesn't know comedy. When he jumped on the screen and yelled, in spanish, "LETS KILL THESE MOTHERf***ERS!" my wife and i wen nuts. I felt I was watching 300 again. LOL Get those Mother f**kers, Drama!!!
  8. RibbieRubarb


    Who knew Johnny Drama was the original Joey on Friends?!? LOL Here's his resume: Johnny Drama Resume
  9. RibbieRubarb

    hello there

    Great story and Welcome to Soxtalk! ...Too bad you side with Satan.
  10. You know... Whether you liked the ending or not...David Chase STILL has everyone talking about the Sopranos to this day because of that final scene. It makes you wonder if he ended it like a normal show, would people still be talking about it?
  11. Richard Roeper gives the Sopranos finale a HUGE Thumbs up. http://bventertainment.go.com/tv/buenavista/ebertandroeper/ Click on the on-line exclusives.
  12. QUOTE(BearSox @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 11:13 PM) Whenever you face only 27 batters and only allow ONE baserunner, that is a better game. Strikeouts are cool and all, but an out is an out. Plus, ESPN just hates the White Sox. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they're fascist. Ground balls - thats more democratic.
  13. He faced more than 27.....loser
  14. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 07:09 PM) This is the part of the scary movie, where the killer disappears but you start to hear the music. And you are swimming in the foggy lake, "Get off the mound Jose!!! Get off the mound!!"
  15. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 04:04 PM) Great. The day I book reservations to Myrtle Beach, I find out there toxic s*** in the water. Solid. Just don't hit your golfball in there and you'll be fine.
  16. See how far Cleveland jumps when their young players start entering Arbitration years.
  17. I assume none of you will be watching the game tonight since the outcome is already certain. Be sure to post later on and tell us what happened on "America's Got Talent" or the Cubs game tonight.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 01:21 PM) Maybe they should change the paint color in the clubhouse first. I hear yellow is soothing... oooh...with a nice border of Teddy Bears playing baseball. Then our players can learn to hit from the Teddy Bears. Because anything is better than Walker...right? That should solve everything! If Jerry or Kenny knew anything about running a professional baseball team they'd be at Home Depot right now and buy a Teddy Bear border for the clubhouse!!
  19. Kathy and I are definately going. We love Levy and Yucko!
  20. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 01:02 PM) Steff and I saw them last year (don't tell Jim) and overall they were good. Bob Levy is good and is better depending on crowd interaction. Yucko should be funny and the Beet just rocks. Plus, they interact with the crowd, so you should be able to get that picture for your office wall. Did Bob Levy eat Blue Cheese out of Steff's butt? uh-oh
  21. US Cellular Field! Followed closely by PNC and Safeco.
  22. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 11:52 AM) The story isn't too clear on this, but the way I heard it, during Bush's visit with the Pope, he answered ONE question with 'Yes Sir'. How many times during his visit did he say 'Your Holiness', or did he call his 'Sir' throughout? if it was one question that he said that to, you all are making a mountain out of a molehill. Pelosi probably crapped bigger f***ups than that while trying to play ambassadore over in the middle east. Why bring Pelosi into this? Why are you making this a political argument? As for Bush...I agree the "sir" comment might have been the only time he did that and that he addressed the Pope as "Your Holiness" other times. I am not a Bush supporter by any means and I am Catholic. But this is a minor gaffe. When addressing the Queen, you can refer to her as "Your Highness" or "Ma'am". I'm sure the Pope took no offense being called Sir. "Sir" is still a formal sign of respect. At least he didn't say "You're doin' a heck of a job, Benny!"
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 10:32 AM) Kenny Williams shouldn't do anything rash just because some people on the internet feel the season is over. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this, and if the perseption of panic able to be portrayed in this town all of the inroads the Sox made in the last 10 year are gone. If the people on the internet had their way, we would have had a fire sale in mid-May. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 10:51 AM) Sure. People are much more likely to cancel their season tickets because they view the team as not being able to win ballgames versus canceling them because Ozzie Guillen is an idiot. So why should Kenny not be worried about media perception again? Heck I can pretty much write Jay Mariotti's next column the day after the White Sox make a trade of someone big named. I bet it will have pretty much all of these parts to it... -Shot at JR over the strike and White Flag trade -Shot at Ozzie for being a terrible manager -Shot at KW for not being loyal to the people who brought us the 2005 World Championship -Houston and Minnesota overcame bigger deficits in a shorter amount of time -Cleveland just about caught the Sox in 2005 in a shorter time, with a larger deficit -Mention of the attendence -Dye's taking less money to come here -Clubhouse problems because of Ozzie -Failure of the farm system -the few bad deals Kenny has done, and how this deal is similar to them -JR getting rich off of the Sox -slam of Sox fans intelligence/loyalty, and how they deserve better than this treatment... all in the same sentence You forgot: - How the White Sox will never win a World Series while Jerry Reinsdorf owns the team
  24. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 09:12 AM) And sorry, but the romeo and juliet reference IS valid. Chase wrote for the masses too. Or do you consider yourself special in that lot of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS who watched the Sopranos? It's YOUR point that isn't valid, because the Sopranos was mass marketed to the masses. And because modern day audiences have come to accept garbage non-endings doesn't mean my analogy was bad because people at one time expected things to END for better or worse. Actually my point is valid. Chase was never asked to write for the masses, Shakespeare was told how to end his shows. Chase was given free reign. The masses followed him. Whether or not you like that style is entirely up to you. My original post was never intended to sway opinion, it was just mine. You took it personally. But I will carry on and never stop believin'
  25. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Jun 12, 2007 -> 07:49 AM) Oh ok, it's all better now! I've seen the light! As a matter of fact, from now on, I hope every book I read, every movie I see and every song I hear ends abruptly without an actual "ending" so I can feel as if I'm more "part of the story." That combined with a dash of, "because that's how real life is", doesn't make it work, it doesn't make it better, and no, it's not all right by me. This was a 6+ year song without a final verse. This was a movie without an ending. This was a book missing the last few chapters. That's well and good for REAL LIFE, but I already have one of those. You see, I get to deal with the fact my parents will someday die, that I will get old (if lucky enough), and eat dinner with MY family, the family I choose to be a part of through marriage and friendship. The Sopranos were NOT my family, nor did I ask nor want to be "welcomed into it". It was a short story, not meant to carry on forever after, no matter what anyone says. This decision was driven by money. Period. Imagine Romeo and Juliet without it's ending. Yea...it would suck. Sure, it could have been left up to our imaginations, but the definitive ending is what sent it down in history. Here is my issue with David Chase. It's clear this was about ego tripping after the first few seasons booming success. The very fact he finds it "funny" that true fans of the show were bothered by things like the un-resolved Russian storyline show this. It wasn't about making a statement or leaving things unresolved because they were meant to be unresolved...no, instead, it was because he found it funny! Chase has made it clear on a FEW occassions that he didn't finish some storylines because it bothered the fans and he found it funny! WTF is that?! He wasn't making a documentary that goes on after the show ends (such as Global Warming, or whatever other cause you may or may not believe in). This was a FICTIONAL story, and it needed a definitive ending. Instead, what we got was a cop out...which they can continue a few years later in a movie if they so choose. And why?! Because...nothing happened. Yet another case of a modern day writer weasling his way out of having to tell the end -- because there is still potential money to be made after a few years of vacation! M. E. H. I don't read books or watch movies to "come to my own conclusion". This wasn't a choose-your-own-adventure. So any excuses people come up with for how brilliant Chase was...I'm not interested in. Because unlike you, I like when my movies, music and books have an ENDING. Even if I don't always like the ending -- at least there is one. Oh, and as for the Chase had integrity and wasn't after ratings thing...that's a clear load of crap, since Sopranos was never supposed go this many seasons -- it was CLEARLY stretched out to make more money because of TV ratings, (ratings that steadily declined since it's peak season 3 or 4). The storyline was becoming watered down with inconsequential characters and flat out bad/boring writing in the latter seasons, and anyone watching could tell. I'm sorry, but I've seen hundreds of movies, read hundreds of books that did not have complete endings and left things abrupt. Maybe Fox can have Jack Bauer kill more people for you and you won't have to think when you watch TV. You were obviously watching the wrong show. So don't read my post if you have no interest in my points. But thanks for calling some of them crap and being sarcastic. You seem to know how to have a mature discussion. I see why this great show frustrated you, now. You couldn't handle it. Oh...By the way, your Romeo and Juliet reference is not valid. Shakespeare wrote for the masses. His language was sheer poetry and beautiful, but his plotlines weren't. They were "soap-opera"-esque in their plotlines and contrivences. They were to be wrapped up neat and tidy because theat was expected then and by the audiences. Bad analogy.
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