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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. A Monday game in the middle of August against a bum Minnesota team, heading in with a 10.5 game lead, and people are bitching about load management? We can, and should, win games against the Central without Vaughn in the lineup. We did it without Eloy. We did it without Luis. We did it without Grandal. A game off for Vaughn isn't the end of the world. I, too, wanted to see our entire core on the field tonight (minus Yas) but that day will come sooner than later.
  2. If he were given due credit for never really having played pro ball prior to this season, he would be the runaway favorite. Seriously, one of the most impressive things I've ever seen a Sox prospect do in my decades of fandom. Alas, the beginning of the season put him in a hole that will be tough to overcome for whomever decides on ROY.
  3. I don't understand why people (not picking on you) have such a difficult time understanding that Kopech's job changed over the course of this season as guys like Heuer, Foster, Bummer, and Marshall proved to be wholly unreliable in high leverage situations. Think back to preseason and people were so excited to know that the pen was so stacked that a guy like Kopech would just be used as a long reliever. Instead, the first half of this season, Liam was literally the only guy who could be counted on to hold a lead out of that pen, with Crochet semi-reliable. When that happened, Kopech's role had to change for the sake of this year's road to October baseball. Will it cost us some Kopech starts next season? More than likely, but the AL central will be absolute TRASH again next season. We'll have time to build him up as the season progresses.
  4. I like Seby's approach there. He knew Hendricks was going to pound that outside corner (and out) with the way the ump is calling the strikes, might as well sit on one out there and drive it the other way. Professional AB
  5. 2-0 count is 0-2 without swinging the bat. This is egregious.
  6. Really need the top of the order to start producing. TA and Jose have essentially been ghosts in the lineup. We aren't going anywhere if these guys don't get it going. We can't rely on the bottom of this order to keep us competitive.
  7. DJ --- "almost like they (Indians) know what's coming tonight"
  8. Bus repair for the Army is definitely a physically demanding job, especially in that Western heat!
  9. Goodwin had a couple of fantastic ABs last night....something like 15 pitches in 2ABs. He's coming around.
  10. They've been very quiet and I think it's becoming clearer that they're unwilling to go into luxury tax territory. I think I read they're like within $1M of reaching the tax. If they expect the Cubs to pickup his salary, they're going to have their farm raided in a Kimbrel deal.
  11. The prices for many of these guys being dealt hasn't been astronomical. If the Sox wanted to make an impact trade for a bigger name, I think they absolutely have the means to do so, especially if cheap ass Jerry would open up his pocket book and allow us to take on a salary dump. Hahn is operating in a window, which makes this deadline different than if we were putting all our chips in on this season. But you can maintain a window outlook while still gambling a bit. I don't hate a Sheets/Engel platoon in RF, but guys like KB and Gallo would represent significant improvements and increase our chances of winning it all this season significantly. I love this team, the roster, and will be a fan for the rest of my breathing days but, fuck, this small market approach really gets old sometimes.
  12. I don't think it will be too much more significant or they would've snagged Escobar.
  13. Given the Escobar cost, it would be an absolute no-brainer to snag him. At that price, and needing a 2B, it would be a fireable offense for Hahn not to replace Leury/Mendick with a MLB 2B. I take the Escobar deal as good news, because it means the Sox are definitely aiming higher (especially if you believe Story can get back on track). Semien, Schoop, and "it'll never happen" Trea Turner still out there.
  14. Definitely not a coincidence as the FO knows for a fact what the fan reaction would be to this Escobar news. Turn to mouthpiece Bob to leak the possibility of Story within 5 minutes of the Escobar story coming out.
  15. I'm a huge Tim fan but he appears to have gotten a bit full of himself this season. I don't know how to lookup clutch stats but it sure seems he's not near as clutch as he's been the last two seasons. He also seems streakier than he's been in the past, not to mention the absence of power. He's still a fantastic player but I can't help but look at his performances the previous two seasons and feel that he's fallen short this season.
  16. There's some strong psychology at play with this team, imo. The rallying cry since spring has been to work past the injuries and stay in contention. Once guys come back, and we fortify at the deadline, we'll be in great shape. This roster, minus Eloy, has busted their asses day in and day out to win. Now that the idea of things getting a bit easier is in sight, they're exhausted mentally. Done. Eloy isn't going to be a savior this week. The sooner Hahn makes a move, no matter how minor it is, the sooner this team will become reinvigorated. I also think that the impending roster moves are weighing on those who aren't 100% confident in their position on this team moving forward.
  17. Eloy first one back tomorrow....and we weathered the storm by going 19 over .500 and building a 9 game lead in the division. Let's do this shit
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