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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. Sounds like you bought from a resale seller on TM.
  2. I think this was likely the plan heading into this season but, with the bullpen performance thus far, there's no way you can take him out of his current role (minimal as it's been). It's been said ad nauseum, but we literally have only 2-3 reliable arms out of the pen that can be reasonably counted on to hold a lead. If the plan is to skip starts, we'd better get used to the idea of seeing guys like Steiver and Lopez start some games between now and the end of the season.
  3. We don't need them to all come back and be world beaters. You're talking about replacing Goodwin, Sheets/Burger, and Collins/Seby. Even decent performance will eclipse what we've gotten out of this trio. Also, regardless of how hot/cold the returning players may be, they demand respect from opposing pitchers and can drastically change the way our lineup is attacked. 2-0 count to Vaughn with Collins on deck is going to be pitched considerably different than it would with Yas/Lu on deck.
  4. Len has made a few snide comments about the home plate umpire's calls. Don't usually hear him being too critical. I guess Tony and Tim didn't get the message across to this crew last night.
  5. Why are you surprised that a line-up missing Nick, Eloy, Lu, and Grandal would have problems beating teams with good pitching? These MIL pitchers are laying waste to teams with their full complement of hitters, and you think we should handle them with nearly half of our opening day starters out? Some of y'all really need to level set your expectations.
  6. If no trade is made, that just leaves Leury as the only backup infielder (unless I'm miscounting). I guess Vaughn could move to 1B or 3B in a pinch but then you're putting Eloy in the OF. I hope you're right, though.....really want Goodwin to stay on the team.
  7. The OF is going to present quite a conundrum. I mean, you can't cut Billy as he's no doubt established himself as one of the leaders and favorite personalities in the clubhouse. Goodwin is a lefty with a little bit of pop and I think he, too, is having the ride of his life. I think you've got to release Goodwin if it's between these two but I really hope we don't come to regret letting him go. These upcoming decisions is where I think TLR's experience is going to really pay off. I have a very strong feeling he has his finger on the pulse of this clubhouse and knows which personalities possess the intangible "TWTW", guys you just can't cut without throwing a real wrench into the works of the clubhouse spirit and culture. Today's episode of Red Line Radio had an interview with Engel. One of the things he spoke about was how each player is responsible for holding other players accountable, day in and day out. With that type of culture in place, I think any potential moves will go beyond simple statistics.
  8. I don't see any reason to rush him, whatsoever. Let him get his 20 games in the minors to shake the rust off. Just adding Eloy to the lineup is going to be a huge boost, both in production and team confidence. Save the other shot in the arm for when he's truly ready.
  9. Everyone points to that game but I can actually point to an AB. I can't remember the team or the pitcher, maybe someone else will, but there was a relief pitcher that varied their wind-up timing and only did it to Yermin. I'm telling you, that AB got in his head and, imo, began his demise.
  10. Good news. And I was bringing cash so that's good to know they aren't accepting it. Thanks, man.
  11. Coming up from ATL this weekend and hitting the DH on Monday...first game since '18 (thanks COVID!). Curious if with full capacity the concessions are back to normal? I know earlier in the season y'all were complaining the lines were far too long and some of the stands weren't open. Just trying to figure out if I should pound reebs and brats in the lot before or if I can enjoy the food and drinks inside without spending a game's worth of time in lines.
  12. Didn't he hit like a 450+' bomb today? Had no idea it was his first game in Charlotte.
  13. Both players only have value if they're on an MLB roster next season so it's got to be an absolute garbage team that is hoping at least one of them can stick in MLB, but it's not enough for a guy like Frazier or Gallo. I'm thinking, if these guys are in fact part of a trade, it's to COL or AZ.
  14. And that DET challenge isn't coming for a couple of years. The fact that the Sox should own the division this season, and the following two, SHOULD play a big role in the decisions the FO makes at this deadline. Mortgaging depth you'll use in 2022-2023 to acquire a rental in 2021 doesn't match the goals of a leveraging a competitive window. There's a big difference between a team catching lightning in a bottle by having an unexpectedly great season, giving them all the motivation in the world to push all their chips in, and a team working within a window of 3-5 seasons where they are expected to be WS contenders every season. The latter has to be more conservative on the trade front or you end up like the Chicago Cubs.
  15. Stoney was just on Twitter this morning mentioning that his start in the '80 ASG was one of his top career highlights and how much he hoped Lynn or Rodon would get to experience the same honor. Ohtani didn't earn the start, but Manfred gonna Manfred.
  16. They're highly competitive professional athletes....of course they care. They may not b**** to the media but there's no way they "don't care".
  17. Ohtani doesn't even qualify for pitching stats yet this season, having not even pitching 70 innings this season. His ERA, if qualified, would be 12th in the AL, and he's carrying a 1.20 WHIP. If I'm Rodon or Lynn, I'm livid.
  18. Was that the year he got hurt or was that when they sat him for the playoffs to keep him from getting hurt?
  19. Is there a long string of evidence pointing to fatigue and increased injury frequency due to overuse and, if so, at what percentage of increase does the evidence become overwhelming? I know that historically pitchers who endure long playoff runs often struggle the next season. I can't remember many examples of pitchers just falling apart/getting injured in the playoffs because of overuse.
  20. Vaughn isn't getting dealt. Burger was an early first rounder, is known to have a great hit tool, and Lord knows you can't question his heart. He's certainly trade bait but I think we would have to be overwhelmed to deal him this season. While there's no obvious position for him to play, be it now or in the near future, I think we'd be selling very low on him right now (AAA stint excluded). Sheets could grow into the piece we've needed since Jim Thome left, a power hitting LH bat. I like that he's apparently getting coached up by his dad and Cal Ripken, makes contact, and seems to have a decent eye. He could grow into a player but in a deal for a true impact player (not a rental), he's trade bait. I'd hesitate dealing him for a 3 month rental. Mercedes. No one will want him.
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