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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. Nah, I don't risk Eloy in the field. Mazara has hit Fiers well in the past and isn't exactly a horrible defender. Eloy DH McCann Bench (dude is struggling, badly) Engel LF Mazara RF
  2. That's twice in a week the cut of the grass has handcuffed Nick. Either play deeper or more shallow, kid.
  3. Yes, I take back my earlier post saying I didn't mind the move to Marshall being I had no idea he would face 3 righties. Evan has stark reverse splits and should not be called in to face righties.
  4. Don't mind Marshall here, at all. He's been very solid this season, especially against lefties.
  5. "Whoa! Some people would think that's bad luck!" -- guy who repeatedly mentioned a perfect game in progress
  6. It's horrible. As much as it's now the stuff of nightmares given how the series turned out, Cleveland had the best canned noise, by far.
  7. Adam looks so comfortable and relaxed at the plate. Completely different player than we'd become accustomed to seeing.
  8. Melvin has to keep him in to face bottom of the order. I imagine this will be his last inning though.
  9. Funny....I was just thinking that she sure seems to know a lot more about the game and players than the PBP guy.
  10. I'm sure it's been said, but SURELY it's not coincidence that they won yesterday when Ricky was gone but are getting their asses stomped today when he comes back. That's my scalding hot take and, fortunately for you guys, will be my only contribution to this thread. Got better things to do than watch this bullshit.
  11. We take for granted that he has big fans in the FO. I'd say this.....Stoney, Frank, Ozzie, Garfein, hell, even Jason got in on the action last night in wondering what in the hell Ricky is doing. Those guys are all plugged in to the organization and if they're comfortable being so outwardly critical of RR, that tells me that they don't fear repercussions. The only reason they wouldn't fear repercussions would be if they know that there are important pieces in the organization who wholeheartedly agree with them. I think there's a very realistic chance Ricky is fired within the next two weeks or, worst case, promoted to a different role in the organization dealing with player development. I would expect Don Cooper to retire or face the same offer of a reassignment. Hahn does not strike me as the kind of guy who is going to let his good name be tarnished by poor managing/coaching without first making a very strong and convincing case to JR. Hahn's entire reputation is riding on this rebuild. He is Ricky's boss. JR may have final say but let's remember Hahn has been in this organization far longer than Ricky Renteria.
  12. So Rodon is relegated to the pen, right? Surely Ricky won't have him starting game 3 because he's a vet, right? Please? Right?
  13. A “valley” less than a week before the postseason starts is no time for a Pollyanna pep talk. What’s happening is troubling.
  14. This was the 13th game in a row. Guys are tired and there are no opportunities to catch a breather, let some soreness work itself out, or have a day to clear your head by not going to the ballpark. It’s tough to maintain dominance during a stretch of 17 straight games. In fact, it’s pretty much absolute bullshit that MLB is doing this to them. That said, you can’t have managerial incompetence piling onto an already difficult situation. Fucking Jose Ruiz? Gio Gonzalez? Trying to close out extra inning or tied games? Seriously!? Abysmal management and decision making. There has to be a reckoning this offseason.
  15. He's afraid of bats because he doesn't trust his stuff. He's an absolute fucking headcase who needs to go through the same mental program Gio uses. It's like in his mind he sees giving the hitter something to hit is more worrisome than a walk.
  16. I really think his experience losing a friend to violence, while dragging him down for a bit on the field immediately after it happened, gave TA an entirely new outlook on life and focus.
  17. Well, it was until that ball floated back over the plate.
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