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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. Each day they let this continue is another day they lose more fans. This is pathetic baseball and has been for the last several seasons. Now, with the Cubs playing championship level baseball on the Northside, is not the time to dick around and try not to hurt poor Robin's feelings. We don't need to see how this next homestand goes, we have 6 years of putrid history to gauge Robin's abilities. I've never really been one to consider JR an awful owner. I think he's always done a decent job balancing the business side of his franchises with investing in payroll to at least be somewhat competitive. With that said, what is going on now with Robin Ventura and Gar Forman is really making me second guess how good of an owner he is.
  2. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ May 31, 2016 -> 04:00 PM) On more than one occasion and as 'recently' as May 2004 he told Bob Sirott on Chicago Tonight that when he's gone he's advised to family to sell the team. He's also said that his family has no interest in retaining the franchise when he's gone. That also he said publicly. I've been told by two sources, one of who worked for the Sox, that his wife has been asking him to sell and get out for years but so far he's refused to do so. Mark Interesting. Thanks. I wonder who has had an eye out for owning an MLB team. Wonder if MJ would get involved?
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 30, 2016 -> 11:35 PM) Sell the team. Move the team to Naperville for gawd sakes. Build a fricking palace (like the one they had in Arlington; same principle; Arlington is not Dallas). The suburbs will go CRAZY for White Sox baseball. Very true you are offending a lot of loyal baby boomer south siders who don't wanna come out to suburbia. That's sad, but how many people you talking about there? 10,000 max true South Siders who go to games? The true blue collar Sox fans from the south side probably can't afford tickets/parking/food anyway. New owner. New palace in suburbia privately funded. Just.Do.It. Naperville is the spot. The only people against it would be 50 to 70 year old white guys who live on the south side and eat their beef sandwiches and drink their Schlitz/Old Style. True, they won't be caught dead driving to Naperville, but there's not a ton of them anyway. The money is in suburbia anyway. Make us the elite team. New rich owner! New awesome stadium! The Chicago White Sox play in Naperville!!! Can you dig it? Atlanta also has made the move to the suburbs. They were located on the southside of ATL and not in a great area. While they did piss off a lot of fans from the southern burbs, the map they had of tv viewers, season ticket holders, etc., was heavily weighted toward the northern suburbs, which is where they'll be playing next season. I think the Sox can definitely survive in Chicagoland long-term. Has Reinsdorf ever made any mention of what he wants to happen to the Sox when he passes?
  4. I know I'll sound like Hawk but I still believe it has its place in the game. Yesterday with a cold Sanchez at bat and a slow Jose at first in the 9th inning would've been a great time for a sac bunt, imo.
  5. Is there some roster-related reason that they haven't brought Shuck back up? I've always seen him as a solid bench piece and feel like I must be missing part of the story or he's obviously be up with the team.
  6. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 11, 2016 -> 02:29 PM) If you are running them out there for an inning, you have to get through the 6th. No? Lost track of innings, at work and half paying attention and half watching.
  7. QUOTE (bmags @ May 11, 2016 -> 02:26 PM) Bullpen usage tends to suck when everyone you put in craps the bed. Would love to see your master plan. Last night was somewhat excusable because we had two backend guys we just couldn't use (Jones and DRob). Today? Not so much....you run Putnam, Jones, Robertson out for 1ip each and you live with the result.
  8. Putnam, Jones, Robertson.....not that difficult, Robin/Coop.
  9. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ May 11, 2016 -> 01:27 PM) Moments like this, you have to love Hawk Yeah, that was pretty awesome. Not just how much he cares but how few announcers in the league have that kind of seniority to tell his color man, on air, "you take over, I'm going downstairs".
  10. He had some air on that dive into the seats and came down with quite a bit of force straight on his face (not to mention his knee knock the hell out of the concrete rail, though I don't think that hurt him). If it was his mouth he landed on, he prob lost a few teeth. If it was his nose, it's definitely broke badly.
  11. Does Robertson earn two blown saves in this one? Kind of concerning to see his fastball topping out at 91....hope it's just fatigue. Fantastic win. It wasn't always pretty but these guys came through once again. Really happy to see Gonzalez have a solid start....would be ideal for us to fill that hole in-house. Avi still raking. This team is on a mission.
  12. It's not a great contract but would definitely help us over the next few seasons....do y'all think we could get Joey Votto from Cincy? Given the Cubs success and youth, I can't believe Cincy sees themselves as competitive any time in the near future. Maybe they look to unload that contract now. It's a lot of loot but if we are WS contenders for the next 3-5 years, it's worth making the move.
  13. QUOTE (fathom @ May 6, 2016 -> 07:55 PM) He's having a very rough night. Stone even made fun of him for a terrible pun. I can only assume you're referring to the funniest thing I've heard out of the Sox broadcast booth in a few years....the buttered 'em up comment. That was absolutely hilarious and Steve's reaction was perfect (because that joke could've just as easily come out of Stoney's mouth). Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  14. We really buttered 'em up in the first. Good, solid win. Latos was off with his control but a win is a win. The defense was amazing and the offense did much better with runners on. Basically, did what we're supposed to do to some cellar-dwelling chumps like Minneapolis. BTW, I really wanted to see Lawrie homer off May in the 8th after the bushleague HBP....I think we would've seen the greatest bat flip of all time.
  15. Well, he's talking to himself a lot more at the dish....he seems to have some sort of strategy or thought process he's trying to follow and is taking his time to make sure he's doing what he needs to do. He was hammering the ball last night. Also, it seems the air humping is working for him. I can't help but think he's acting like he's about to f*** the baseball to get a mental edge.
  16. After listening to Jason for such a long string of games, am I the only one that was bored as s*** watching this game tonight? Granted, it was a Danks start...but still. Stoney is so much more talkative and, eh, "fun" when working with Jason.
  17. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Apr 28, 2016 -> 08:23 PM) Anyone else ready to give EJ a shot or Gonzalez another shot? You could give a pitching machine a shot and you might end up with better results than running Danks out there. He's done....completely and unquestionably done as a ML pitcher. He should feel like s*** when he signs his paychecks...it's larceny. I understand just not having good stuff but Danks is not only lacking stuff but also control. Awful awful awful. The team even seemed kind of down emotionally tonight from the jump, likely because they knew they had no prayer of winning this game.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Apr 28, 2016 -> 02:52 PM) Adam Eaton had at least 6 weeks of bad CF play last year before recovering in June. Not sure "recovering" is the right term.....I just don't think he's a very good CF which means it wasn't slumping but rather playing out of position.
  19. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 28, 2016 -> 12:48 PM) Small pet peeve, not to take away from the overall message, but: I hate when people say "fielding doesn't slump." It absolutely slumps, and it's hard to believe that anyone who has watched the Sox regularly the past few seasons doesn't know that. I guess it depends on your definition of a fielding slump. If you consider a week of play with 12 errors committed a slump, then yeah, defense slumps. To me, and perhaps Spiegel, that's not a slump, just a bad week. A slump would be bad defense for a month or two.
  20. Our Sox just keep rolling. A winning attitude is contagious and we're seeing that with this team. Avi, Zach, AJ, Dioner...these guys don't want to be "that guy" on this team and are starting to get some swag of their own. Chris is definitely pitching more to contact this season and, while maybe not as exciting as those 10-15 strikeout nights, it's been very effective. Love seeing this offense starting to click. I think those of us who voted for better than average records in the prediction polls were expecting more from the offense being we all knew the pitching would be solid....premature, but if this offense finds its rhythm we're looking at a ~95 win season.
  21. What a fantastic win. This team, unlike anything we've since '06, has an identity and some swag. It's wins like these that are going to make the league start to pay attention to the Sox and begin to take them seriously. This isn't a fluke start, boys.
  22. Yeah, not really fair to compare Hawk and Benetti.....one is 70-something years old with 6 decades in the game while the other is in the first month as a professional baseball announcer. They're going to talk about different things throughout a broadcast. With that said, Benetti and Stone are a great team to listen to. Steve seems reinvigorated dealing with a younger guy and I think they do a great job of playing up the technological divide between them. Also, their senses of humor are very much in tune...extremely dry. I also like some of the little features/games Benetti has started like the math deal and Sticks and Stone. What's Jason averaging on mentions of FanGraphs per game? Got to be over two, eh?
  23. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Apr 23, 2016 -> 04:50 PM) We REAAAAAALLY need Saladino at SS everyday, with Rollins DH'ing. Then we need to call up Carlos Sanchez to either replace Erik Johnson/Sands/Avi as our back-up IF. That's actually a great idea
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