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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 23, 2016 -> 04:45 PM) And Hahn gave him a starting spot this year. That's worse than bad scouting. To be fair, Adam Laroche f***ed us by retiring so late. With that said, Hahn could've picked someone up off the scrap heap and seen more production.
  2. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Apr 23, 2016 -> 04:39 PM) Avi, in some form or fashion, is going to walk this b**** off. That didn't quite work out
  3. Avi, in some form or fashion, is going to walk this b**** off.
  4. Thankfully this will dig deeper into the TEX bullpen which is absolutely awful.
  5. Prince Fielder and Dioner racing would be fun to watch.
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 23, 2016 -> 03:23 PM) Cause Odor is good. I'd rather face him with a fresh count than try to come back and get Andrus with a 3-0 count. That triple was grooves right down the heart of the plate.
  7. If I'm Rodon, I'm absolutely livid after that s*** show. 3-0 why not just put Andrus on first instead of giving him something to hit?
  8. Is there someone we can convince to come out of retirement to DH for us (not Drake)? Surely there's someone who can put up a .700 to .750 OPS who we can convince to sign or snag in a trade. Hell, we might as well be letting our f***ing pitchers bat the way things stand now. Rollins just isn't putting up the numbers or the defense to retain the full-time gig he's been given..not with Saladino waiting in the wings. On that double today that was reviewed, if he'd just swiped in front of the bag dude would've been out being the throw beat him. Unfortunately, Jimmy went for his arm directly (and missed). Frazier is coming around a bit, so that's encouraging. I sure hope that $13M Laroche money is enough to snag us both another SP and a decent bat.
  9. How in the f*** is this guy not getting killed? Looks like he's throwing BP.
  10. Good game. Rodon probably would've had another inning in him if not for the all the extra pitches he had due to the HP ump passing out free walks. He threw a couple of nice change-ups, had the slider going, and pretty damn good control. Not the greatest situational hitting tonight but we put 3 up and won the game...that's all that matters. It's fun watching this team and some winning baseball....I'd almost forgot what it's like to watch a decent Sox squad.
  11. Young folks? Hell, I'm 39yo and dig some Chance...."Acid Rap" is amazing.
  12. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Apr 6, 2016 -> 11:19 PM) I understand it was Sonny Gray but he walked four guys too. Just a shame to waste the performance Rodon gave and a bad flashback to last year as far as poor offense. Offense just hasn't looked very good at all in the series so far. Will be very interested to see what happens Thursday. Latos is pitching, expect the A's to score some runs...can the Sox finally score say six or seven and maybe take three of four? Considering they won the first two, getting a split in the series would be a downer, you've got to take the series. We'll see. Also I thought I saw or read somewhere that the Sox hadn't gone 3-0 to start a season since 1992. If that's true, that's unbelievable. Mark Gray walked some folks (of them a pitch-around of Frazier) but let's not pretend he didn't have top-notch control tonight. As Hawk and Steve mentioned, he was working all 4 quadrants with good accuracy, not to mention he got his curve ball going which resulted in some really ugly swings. Dude pitched a good game by keeping Sox hitters guessing. Avi already looks frustrated...that's not good. He's a DH, surely we can find a pro hitter for a few million that could fill that role much better. Melky needs to get it going. Outside of that, no shame in that loss.
  13. Kind of surprised they didn't include Fulmer in the extended rotation. I don't buy the Cubs at 3rd for SP. Arrieta is bound to regress a damn good bit and I just don't see Lackey repeating last season.
  14. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Mar 24, 2016 -> 10:32 AM) How has no one in the Chicago media blasted Hoiberg? Or have they and I am just ignorant? Hoiberg has an excuse because this (basically the same) roster quit on Thibs last season. Not saying that's a legit excuse, but I do believe that's why he's escaped some of the heat he probably deserves. Gar Forman has to be fired this offseason. This roster is absolute s***.
  15. Good read. I'm with the family....I really don't believe this was a suicide. I believe he was just a guy who overdid things one night and paid the ultimate price. No doubt his depression and such may have had him turning to drugs and booze for relief, but I seriously doubt he'd OD intentionally, especially not on coke.
  16. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Mar 16, 2016 -> 04:35 PM) Bigotry towards those who don't share your world view isn't cool. I live in Georgia....I know many people just like I described. LaRoche fits the mould.
  17. Adam Laroche really seems like he's likely an annoying guy....die-hard hunter, country, Duck Dynasty, holy roller, etc......a guy like this doesn't see things rationally, like a suggestion from your boss to not bring your kid to work everyday isn't seen as a reasonable request but rather an assault on FAMILY VALUES! As with most people who feel that life is one big, emotional country ballad about god, guns, and family, Adam feels that taking this brave stand is standing up for 'Murica. Just look at what his buddy posted about "good and evil". Good riddance.
  18. Deadspin and commenters pretty sympathetic to Sox position http://deadspin.com/adam-laroche-retired-b...-let-1765311014
  19. Any chance he gets to start the home opener?
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