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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. QUOTE (Capn12 @ Jul 11, 2015 -> 05:33 PM) Man, Saladino looks smooth over at 3rd. I hope he has a real opportunity to stay up. Was about to post the same thing. Very graceful and natural movements.
  2. Between Melky stealing and getting waved home when he was obviously going to be out, makes me wonder if they see rain coming in on the radar and are just trying to hurry things along.
  3. QUOTE (Dunt @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 03:51 PM) What did he say? Hawk asked if they still thought they could get back into it and he talked about how the staff is doing its thing finally after a rough opening to the season. Then said that they're winning only scoring 2-3 runs a game, when they start scoring 5-6 they'll win a lot of games. Just the way he complimented the staff and then put the onus on the offense to complete the deal seemed a little bit of a call-out, to me.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 9, 2015 -> 02:35 PM) Given what's in our system, are you prepared to give up 2 of Montas, Anderson, and Adams to replace those 2 positions? I, personally, don't waste this pitching staff. Pitching wins in the playoffs...you never know what could happen if we can get a wild card spot. Unless KW and RH have a plan for picking up a C, 2b, and 3b by opening day next season, we might as well bite the bullet now and add another 1/2 season of competitive ball.
  5. Nice little shot at the offense from Shark there in that postgame interview. He's right, though...we need to do something to help the offense. Lose 2 or 3 of Beckham, Flowers, and Sanchez and replace them with even average bats and we'll win at a much better clip. Easier said than done but an effort needs to be made.
  6. Good piece of hitting by Melky there....really kept his head on the ball through contact
  7. Great posts throughout this thread, Thad. The older I get the more work experience I have. The more work experience I have, the more I recognize organizational failure. The more I recognize organization failure, the more I find myself becoming indifferent to the Sox. I love the franchise....always have and always will. But am I going to dedicate time and money to watch the same damn thing happen over, and over, and over, and over, and over again while the organizational leadership does nothing to adjust? Hell no...I've got better things to do on a Saturday afternoon than spend 3-4 hours parked in front of the TV...nor am I going to ask my family to make the trek from ATL to CHI to catch a game when the game has a 70% chance of being boring as hell and resulting in a Sox loss. I truly liked what Hahn did this offseason but, unfortunately, we aren't getting the results we should be. Instead of rocking the boat, ownership/management is going to do what they always seem to do...throw up their hands and say "maybe next year". It's infuriating and truly makes me not give a damn when they're struggling. I still check the scores, catch a few innings here and there, read Soxtalk, but I refuse to invest valuable time into something that is so predictably flawed and disappointing until they do something about it.
  8. Nice win.....and finally a pitchers' duel that lived up to the hype.
  9. QUOTE (Soxfest @ May 18, 2015 -> 08:43 PM) Just bad execution. I was pissed off enough about AR's AB and then they showed the replay.....fool was swinging for the damn fences when is all he needs to do is advance the runners
  10. Robin needs to get in Alexei's ass about that AB...that was embarrassingly bad
  11. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ May 18, 2015 -> 08:15 PM) Robertson with only 13 pitches thrown, I'd like to see him at least start the 10th if need be. Seems like a no-brainer but we'll see.
  12. I'll never understand how a catcher can't pick up a breaking ball.
  13. Adam needs to start next inning with a bunt....gotta try to get Kluber out of his rhythm.
  14. QUOTE (LDF @ May 4, 2015 -> 08:19 AM) i am going to be pissy with this post, but what makes you believe it was built to be competitiveness as oppose to show the fans of actually caring, to sell tickets and advertising. The team friendly contracts that have been signed. We have a very nice core locked up for several years and at a very reasonable price....surely we don't need to dig up the offseason threads where we were all swinging from RH's nut hairs for securing our core? All that didn't go out the window because we've gotten off to a bad start. I think the plan all along was to compete in 2016 and beyond, with 2015 being a "let the cards fall where they may" kind of season, with the hope that we'd be at least in the hunt for a wild card spot.
  15. This team was put together to be competitive for the next several seasons....while they may say that they expected to be competitive this season, I think that this season is still considered part of the rebuild given some of the glaring holes we went in with. I don't think we deal anyone but Shark, assuming he doesn't want to extend.
  16. Other than a few posters, I think this team has greatly underperformed in relation to pre-season expectations. How do you blame the FO for under-performance? If changes in non-playing personnel are to occur, you have to look at the coaches in the dugout, including RV. IMO, the FO did a fairly good job with what they had to work with this past winter. Yes, we have holes but this team is playing like garbage top to bottom other than some pieces of our bullpen (which RH put together).
  17. Where is the veteran leadership on this team? I get it, RV is docile and not a typical leader/motivator. I want him gone. But there are vets in that clubhouse with reputations as leaders that should be picking up the slack until the FO does something about it. I thought that this leadership was one of the least mentioned benefits to the moves we made this winter....apparently I was waaayy off.
  18. QUOTE (Capn12 @ Apr 29, 2015 -> 01:00 PM) Well, it's just that more was expected. So far, this season he has had 2 really good starts, 1 average at best, 1 bad, and today which is the worst. Hardly what most people expected out of what was hoped to be a #2. What's interesting is they said before the game that Shark hasn't pitched a night game yet. I pulled up his career splits and he's 1.50 lower on his ERA at night (3.18 vs 4.59), 40 points lower on his BAA (.226 vs .263), and about .3 lower on the WHIP (1.14 vs. 1.42). Point being, maybe it's not fair to judge his performance thus far based on nothing but pitching in conditions in which he's historically struggled.
  19. A lot of Shark hate here....I think he's been decent this season (outside of today, which there are a million and one excuses to explain).
  20. It's like they're stealing signs...they're on top of everything.
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