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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. He needs to go to the windup here....having trouble with control from the stretch.
  2. Man, Liriano is just looking absolutely fantastic. This was a hot Twins offense coming into this series and he's just making them look silly. Velocity is up. Slider is nasty. I'm telling you guys, Liriano will be the most impactful trade of the season in MLB.
  3. Tigers were clear losers this deadline which is great news for our first place Sox.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 04:44 PM) Didn't Jackson's yearly ERA drop from >5 to You're right....my memory was of Hawk commenting on what EJ and Coop had discussed while EJ was flying wide open on a bad day. But thanks for having me look up his numbers....they were a lot more respectable than I remember them being.
  5. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 10:08 AM) I'm hoping it has to do with interest. I think Liriano was trying to bulk up his next contract with high K rates and it let to him overthrowing and sloppy delivery. But now that he's on a contender, you can make quite a bit more money by pitching well "under pressure" and helping a team get to the playoffs. At least that's what I'm hoping. This reminds me so much of the stories coming out when we acquired Edwin Jackson. Coop knew that EJ was flying open on his delivery which caused him to lose his control.....well, hopefully Liriano is a better student than Jackson was because Jackson continued to fly open which made his nintendo stuff useless seemingly 50% of the time.
  6. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 10:49 PM) i would much rather have liriano over sanchez As odd as it sounds, I would much rather have Liriano over Greinke.
  7. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 10:29 PM) I'm so excited...I think under Cooper, Liriano has a chance to be the best SP that was acquired at the break by far. Absolutely. Yes, he had TJ surgery. So did Strasburg. A lot of guys come back stronger from TJ. Liriano was on my wishlist but never thought the Twins would trade him to the Sox. The fact that they did could mean great things for this franchise the next few seasons if we can re-sign him.
  8. I know as a Sox fan this may be biased, but KW has secured executive of the year with his acquisitions of Youk, Myers, and Liriano. We've lost literally nothing of importance and picked up 3 key pieces to fill enormous holes on our team. No veteran presence in the pen, let's go ahead and snag Brett Myers for a couple marginal prospects. A giant hole at 3b currently filled by a developing player with major health issues, let's trade a utility player not doing s*** and a AAAA pitcher for a 3-time All Star 3b who is still young enough to make an impact (and has). Danks is hurt and Humber is pitching like s***, let me pick up a dominant lefty starter with hella potential for another utility guy and a scrub minor leaguer. KW is god. It's official. I love this deal. I really hope we can sign Liriano to an extension....he's getting back to where he needs to be.
  9. That is one arrogant ass 2nd place team. Big Potato has to be my least favorite pitcher in the league. This was their best chance of taking a game in this series and they did it....props to them....let's see how the next 2 go when the Sox have the pitching advantage.
  10. I thought he actually looked a bit better last night. He looked more confident taking pitches as if he was seeing the ball a bit better and he put a couple great swings on the ball. He's coming around.
  11. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 07:48 PM) Our lack of organizational depth has really hurt us this year How do you follow that, up with this? QUOTE (daa84 @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 07:48 PM) especially recently as the pitching staff is as banged up as it has been in a long time. I can't remember the last time we had 2 starters miss as much time as danks and number, plus Floyd, sale and peach have all been skipped over for soreness. Add in that crain has been hurt and we just don't have the arms right now. Frankly pulling Quintana out of nowhere has been an enormous savior, and I guarantee the org didn't expect this from him We're in first place with all those things that you mentioned...we've got a bullpen with 8 rookies and 1 vet, a patchwork starting rotation with 3 of our SP from April currently on the shelf......and we don't have organizational depth?!?!? How many teams could remain in first place given the injuries we've sustained. You guys kills me after losses.
  12. We know Santiago sucks from the left side. Septimo we don't know about. Thornton has looked good lately. You have 3 lefties coming up in a 1-1 game...game 1 of a 4 game set. With such a lefty dominant lineup, you're going to need more than Thornton from the left side this week. I think this was Robin throwing Septimo in the fire and seeing how it goes. It went bad. He literally has a bullpen of rookies and one vet. There are going to be times where we have to rely on a rookie to get the job done....Septimo didn't.
  13. Lots of class being shown in this thread. The guy has to travel all over the country leaving behind a kid who should not be left alone....yeah, I'm sure he really gave a s*** about what you superfans thought of his performance.
  14. This feels like the longest half inning in baseball history.
  15. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 05:52 PM) I say either get an ace-like starter, or don't get any starter. We can manage a competent fifth starter out of Axelrod/Humber/Castro I am also not eager to dump resources on a Greinke type, so you can see that in most scenarios I advocate staying put. This....if we can get a top pitcher by essentially taking on a hefty contract, do it. If it costs us heavily by means of talent, I'm not interested.
  16. Hell of a game by Gavin. With Thornton coming in now, please tell me Santiago is not going to pitch the 9th if our lead holds.
  17. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 02:20 PM) Yeah I don't know what people expect out of a backup catcher that plays as rare as Flowers does.... he plays good defense and has thrown out baserunners anything more is gravy. I expect the greatness that was Chris Widger.
  18. Huge night for Youk. Sale with the SO if not for the rookie screwing it up. ETA...climactic, not climatic
  19. Where did we get Septimo from? Drafted by us?
  20. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 12:50 PM) How do the Sox usually do in day games, whats their record? I know the Bulls tend to do horrible in them. Maybe its one of those things where we just don't play well during the day Or they had a good time in NYC last night after a dominating win against a great team.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 28, 2012 -> 12:28 PM) But many of them wouldn't support Romney. That could change now. By voting for the guy who created the prototype? Politically speaking, this decision hurts Romney's campaign because his only means of justifying Romneycare while being against Obamacare, despite them being essentially the same program, was that Romneycare was constitutional under MA constitutional law. With SCOTUS declaring Obamacare constitutional, there is basically nothing different between Romneycare and Obamacare. mrnn
  22. My fondest memory of Ohman was the June 8th game against Houston. Every year my family and I make the pilgrimage from Atlanta to the Cell to see a game. After getting to enjoy watching Gavin s*** the bed, Alexei allow the Astros to steal home, and the Sox offense sputter, we were still kind of in the game. Then Ohman came in to face some POS Astro lefty I've never heard of before. He promptly gave up a homer and then allowed a couple more to score before heading to the dugout to throw a tantrum. This is a fond memory of mine because I was so unbelievably pissed off that it marked the first time that I openly heckled a White Sox player. It felt damn good.
  23. Why is it so difficult for these guys to understand that if pain is causing them to underperform, they are doing the team no favor by trying to "play through it". If you're hurt, you're hurt. Sit down and let someone healthier give it a shot for a few days.
  24. DeAza Beckham Dunn Kong AJ Rios Youk Tank Alexei
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