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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 13, 2010 -> 03:03 PM) Jamie Burke Ah, yes, you're right....thanks.
  2. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Aug 13, 2010 -> 02:51 PM) Only if warnings are issued. And great, so let Linebrink or Bobby nail someone. My point is just that for the amount of times we get hit, we really don't retaliate for it. It seemed like Ozzie used to call for guys getting hit in the past, but no longer. Just an observation. To take that even a step further, I don't even see it as retaliation I see it as setting a tone. It was no accident that the Twins hit our batters 4 times....just as it was no accident when Torii Hunter blasted the s*** out of AJ at homeplate a couple of seasons ago. Gardenhire does these things to make sure his team is the alpha male in the relationship....it's high time Ozzie quits sititng back complimenting the Twins and instead takes a page out of Gardy's book and has his guys do some tone-setting of their own. Start a brawl! Hit a couple batters! Annihilate a fielder on a slide! Do something to remind the Twins that they're in your park and you're in charge. Yes, I was very disappointed by that Twins series
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 09:28 AM) Simon wasnt shaken enough that he couldnt throw 3 fastballs up to Viciedo which would have him screwing himself down into the dirt. IN that situation you want a hitter up that give you the best chance to win the game regardless of the other team's pitching decision. Vicedo wasnt that guy, especially last night. I could have struck Dayan out last night. This is the guy who would have gone 3-0 to AJ when AJ was doing nothing more than trying his best to give the O's a free out. Even the O's announcer was all over Simon's inability to throw a strike. So, in other words, I do think Simon was plenty shaken and was prone to make a mistake. I don't know man, I'm not trying to get into it with you or anything ..we have our opinions and I can see your point of view and certainly respect it. I'm probably a bit quicker to jump the gun than most on Ozzie because I think he's just an absolutely miserable manager which, of course, causes me to put every move under a microscope.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 09:07 AM) LOL. You mean he took out Viciedo who hadnt come even close to a pitch the last two at bats and put in one of our best clutch hitters this season? It was actually a very good move IMO. And the bunts were good as well considering our offense this series, all it takes it a hit by the middle of the order, and they didnt come through. Keep second guessing the team when they lose, it makes it funnier when you guys cheer on these moves when they win. Simon was absolutely shaken....his mannerisms, his control, everything about his demeanor on the mound was screaming "take me the f*** out of this game, Buck". Did you see how quickly Showalter ran out to the mound to get Simon? He was ecstatic that Ozzie made the decision for him. I'm fine with Vizquel PH but not when doing so forces a move that is a positive for the other team. And the bunts, you spend enough time on this board to know that this has been a sore subject for several seasons and, imo, the argument is much stronger this season when you have the league leader in SB being sacrificed to 2nd base. If he steals 2nd it gives you one more opportunity for the middle of the order to get that hit you were referring to and, ya know, "considering the offense this series", we shouldn't be giving away outs.
  5. Between the bunts and his decision to PH for Viciedo which quickly resulted in a pitcher with no control or confidence to be immediately yanked from the game, I was left shaking my head after this one. I can't wait until that idiot is no longer on our bench.
  6. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Aug 6, 2010 -> 08:14 PM) Bringing in a guy for his MLB debut in a 1-1 game. Nice decision Oz. Against the top of the lineup no less
  7. I'd rather have Viciedo facing RHP as DH than sign a 37 yr old who hasn't played in a year and a half who is already demanding playing time as if he were still in his prime. Sounds like trouble to me.....no thanks.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 09:28 PM) If he stays in shape, a lot of those doubles will start traveling 425 feet by the time he's 25. And he doesn't look to have a poor eye. A poor eye is swinging at bad pitches. That leads to strikeouts. He's aggressive, but he's aggressive within the strike zone. That's a very good point....he just doesn't like to walk. There have been very few times that a pitcher has just made him look bad.
  9. Uribe, eh? I think that's quite an insult to Dayan's skillz, actually. Juany was as streaky as they come and really looked like he had no gameplan whatseover when he stepped into the box. If Viciedo can develop an eye, and can couple that with his sweet swing and approach, I think you're looking at a hitter who is purely an offensive player...unlike Juan who's true value was in his defense. I ask this question because I'm struggling to think of a player he compares to.....someone with a poor eye but an outstanding slugging pct....good power but exceptional doubles power.
  10. After watching this guy get a few sparse opportunities, it's pretty evident that the kid can rake. To be 21 years old and have as good of an approach as he has, I've got to think his future is bright. I also think he's made an impression on the die-hards on this board as it seems that noone wanted him traded at the deadline. So who can we compare him to? What can we expect after a couple seasons in the bigs?
  11. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 08:58 PM) Actually I think very highly of Viciedo. I think he'll be a right handed David Ortiz - in a couple of years. But I wanna win it all this year. The team is built to win this year. With Dunn in the middle of that line up and the pitching staff performing like they are right now, the White Sox are going to be HARD to beat. Jake Peavy, the Yankees, and the Phillies all say "hi".
  12. The only thing I'll miss about Hudson is his low salary. His control has been awful because he pitches scared.....if he's scared now imagine how scared he'll be when we get into the heat of a September pennant race. For christ's sake, he was scared of the freaking Oakland A's lineup! Considering the last time Jackson was moved was for Max Scherzer, a much more hyped prospect than Hudson has ever dreamed of being, I don't see how we can say he has no value. I don't get the impression that the league's GMs consider the guy a scrub based on the deals he's been involved in. I don't like the $8M price tag but that should give you a good idea of how the league's GMs feel about Hudson.
  13. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 26, 2010 -> 11:30 PM) If we lose this division or win by a game or two, it's because our manager and general manager came into the season with a glaring weakness that wasn't adressed. Someone needs to take the fall for that. I'd prefer us all to have a lot higher expectations for this team then the first round of the playoffs. We had all the pieces coming into the offseason to take this division by the throat and we didn't take it. It'll be because we lost Jake Peavy and have a horrible manager.
  14. QUOTE (Cali @ Jul 26, 2010 -> 06:24 PM) If they do NOTHING it will be a major mistake that will cost one of the two their jobs... So give up Viciedo, Hudson or Flowers to get 2 months of Dunn only to quickly lose to an absolutely ridiculously stacked Yankees squad, an extremely talented Rays team, or the powerhouse they've got in Arlington? I'm a pretty avid Sox fan but I would have no problem placing the Sox chances of winning the AL pennant 4th behind those other 3 teams. Stand pat and win the division if you can for a few extra dollars on next year's payroll. No one should get canned for being a realist.
  15. Stone saying that makes me nervous......this isn't the year to go all in.
  16. Honestly, with Peavy out we're now much less likely to dominate in the playoffs. There's a huge difference between running JP,JD,GF,MB and trotting out JD,GF,MB,FG. I will be disappointed if KW goes all in when our best pitcher is on the DL.
  17. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 19, 2010 -> 12:38 PM) So you then solve your problems by replacing the rookie or the really old guy with a better pitcher... Typically I'd agree but maybe the trade market dictates to KW that it's a better option to improve the pen.....I don't know, man..I'm just speculating why we'd be trading for Soria if we're unable to deal Jenks.
  18. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 19, 2010 -> 12:34 PM) Why do we need Soria again? When dealing with a depleted staff that includes a rookie and a really old guy, it can't hurt to shorten the games by having a blockbuster pen.
  19. Man, I'm pretty pissed off about this whole situation....couple thoughts 1. Wade played Chicago, not a doubt in my mind. His interview with Wilbon where he pretty much jumbled his words so badly that he stated that his kids were important but he felt he had to leave "emotion" out of his decision.....well, either he's a cold hearted prick or he was just using his kids as a means of adding credibility to his consideration of joining the Bulls. I always thought it odd that Wade was considering the Bulls after having just badmouthed the organization for being disloyal....I guess I just looked past that in hopes of having him on our team. 2. Chris Bosh annoys me.....and the most amazing thing to me in this whole FA mess is that Chris Bosh dictated the terms for what Wade and LBJ are doing. Not sure how in the hell he managed that, but he did. 3. I actually am going to come out of this respecting Lebron more than either Bosh or Wade regardless of where he goes (the ridiculousness of the announcement show is beside the point). He's done an absolutely incredible job of keeping quiet and keeping his circle of trust small. He hasn't given interviews, mysterious tweets, etc....he's just gone about his business like a professional. Of the big3, he's shown the greatest restraint and has held his ego in check (pretty crazy for an egomaniac) 4. Paxson needs to go. He's been here for over 7 years and, outside of a lucky lottery pick, has not accomplished anything. I don't even want him canned for missing the big 3 because, from what we know, he did what he could. The thing is, what if someone else could do more than he could. 7 years is long enough to sense a trend, and for the Bulls that trend seems to be mediocrity and a difficult time recruiting talent.
  20. Hopefully he doesn't want to let the hometown kids down before tutoring them.
  21. I thought Amare to NY was already pretty much a done deal?
  22. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 3, 2010 -> 06:02 PM) I wonder if it's being leaked to try and get LeBron to take a certain course of action. That crossed my mind as well, especially if Lebron told them in the meeting today that it would be a week or two before he made up his mind. Leaking that Wade/Bosh are ready to sign would certainly force Lebron to commit to the Bulls if he had been considering them. But then I remembered leaks don't do a lot of good when Lebron could just call up Bosh and Wade on their cells and see what the deal is.
  23. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 08:21 PM) When they play the western conference in the all-star game?
  24. According to Berger at CBS they could get all 3 and keep Noah and Rose: "The South Florida Sun-Sentinel first reported the meeting , and speculation immediately focused on the Bulls' apparent efforts to offer what previously only the Heat could: the opportunity for the superstar trinity of free agents -- LeBron, Wade and Chris Bosh -- to play together. In order to facilitate that, the Bulls would have to acquire Bosh in a sign-and-trade from Toronto, likely giving up Luol Deng or Joakim Noah in the process. Short of that, the Bulls are only one minor move -- dumping James Johnson and his $1.8 million contract on a team with cap space to absorb it -- from offering LeBron and Wade the chance to pair up in Chicago and chase down championships in the shadow of Michael Jordan." http://ken-berger.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/...ner;mccBlogInfo
  25. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Jul 2, 2010 -> 07:51 PM) All salaries count against the cap. The luxury tax is a totally different number and issue. There are some ways to get around the cap, but none of them allow you to go over it to sign other teams' free agents. Thanks. So why are several sources reporting that all 3 could end up in Chicago while retaining DRose and Noah?
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