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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. Jake's velocity is up, he's thrown some nasty sliders....he just doesn't have his command tonight. It looks much less like nibbling to me than just not having a feel for the ball. A guy doesn't put up the numbers he has over the course of his career by nibbling, he busts out dominant stuff. If his stuff is inconsistent, as it is tonight, he's going to struggle. I can't believe y'all are so dismissive of a guy with a hell of a track record. What I'm seeing tonight has absolutely nothing to do with what league he's in, an injury, or confidence...he simply has not found his groove yet. Toronto was obviously his post-spring dead arm period and now he's working on getting everything back in synch.
  2. Does CSN bring their own gun to each ballpark? Watching the Toronto feed it looks like Danks topping out at 90ish....if they don't and rather use the local sports station's gun, wonder if perhaps a slow gun is why we felt Peavy's velocity was down the other night.
  3. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Apr 13, 2010 -> 07:34 AM) I'm not sure you should consider this "Peavy bashing", so much as a call for concern. I'm concerned about Peavy and his sudden loss in velocity, to pretend I'm not won't help matters. I'll watch his next few starts, but soon the "It's only April" chants become, "It's only May". I recall some of us being concerned about Jenk's velocity a few years ago -- and were told by everyone, including Jenks, "It's only April..." Now it's April 3 years later and his velocity still hasn't returned. But you've got to ask yourself how much that has to do with Don Cooper? It's been reported repeatedly that Coop told him to ditch the 100mph heat in exchange for better control and more movement, a strategy that worked brilliantly in '07. I'd imagine that even if he wanted to throw 100mph heat now it would take a change in his routine to get there. I don't think this is what happened with Peavy, I'm pretty sure Coop let's a vet with a history of success do what he wants to do. I think Jake is just having mechanical issues. Just going from memory, his delivery looked different at the end of last season and before. He looked to be finishing in a more upright position last night further back from the hitter (closer to the rubber). Have his mechanics changed due to injury? I don't know, but if it's injury it looks to be a lower body injury to me as opposed to an elbow or shoulder.
  4. I would hate to be stading 60ft away from those swings...jesus
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 12, 2010 -> 08:12 PM) Yep, doesn't look comfortable at all. Let's hope it's mechanics and no shoulder/elbow issues or even discomfort in the ankle. It's gotta be....he didn't look to be grimacing any and if it were an arm problem I'd expect more fastballs and less sliders.
  6. QUOTE (Bhay99 @ Apr 12, 2010 -> 07:31 PM) i don't think people are really that concerned about him having 2 dud starts in april....but really he isn't even hitting 90 on the gun right now and he hasnt even thrown 70 pitches yet. THIS is what is troublesome He's been hitting 91 92 consistently with the fastball
  7. Sometimes a pitcher just doesn't have good control for a start or two, it happens. I'm not worried about Peavy in the least. Even if we lose this game, I'm just happy to see the offense coming out firing. That's more important to me than one poor Peavy start (even if he is one my SP tonight in fantasy).
  8. We haven't allowed a HR yet. Santos has not only looked good but stepped up in a high leverage situation...very impressive for a young kid new to pitching Seeing quite a few balls hit up the middle and opposite field, just aren't falling for hits
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 1, 2010 -> 01:19 PM) The sad thing is, I never got the impression of Carl being that much of a crazy leader. More an impression of him being crazy. He may have kicked some tails behind the scenes, but he wasn't in that great of shape when the season started, he gave at least one or two crazy, negative publicity interviews that the whole team had to deal with during the year, etd. Yeah, I was referring to Jurassic. He was a vocal leader....he wanted to win and he didn't mind being the jerk who called folks out. I think we've missed that component in the clubhouse since he left (based on reports, obviously). Peavy seems to have some of the same qualities and I think it'll be good for the team. One of the first things that crossed my mind last year after watching him pitch his first game in a Sox uni was the influence he will have on Gavin Floyd. To this day, even with his great improvements over the last couple of seasons, Gavin looks scared and timid on the mound. I think Jake will teach him to show more confidence, and when you feel confident you get better results.
  10. QUOTE (beck72 @ Apr 1, 2010 -> 06:13 AM) Peavy's intensity seems like a good fit on the sox. He not only leads by example but can fire up others. The sox have had low key, nice guy leaders--Burls, PK, Dye, Thome. Peavy seems like another though with more fire, confidence and attitude. Hopefully his intensity will be contagious. The last time we had a team leader like Peavy we won a WS.
  11. QUOTE (Disco72 @ Mar 30, 2010 -> 06:47 PM) Make sure nobody eats a hot dog at Turner Field; I think they have the worst hog dogs I've ever had... Man, I had one of their "Chicago Dogs" last season and, well, it was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever had at a ballpark. They're giving Chicago a bad name with that bullsh*t.
  12. I like the idea....sort of sets the tone for the season.
  13. Does anyone remember if the last games of the spring played in MLB parks are usually played by starters? I'm really wanting to take the kids to Turner Field next weekend but don't want to pay ML prices for ml baseball.
  14. I'll go with 93. I think the pitching props up the record in the first half and KW grabs a big bat for the 2nd half.
  15. mmmmmbeeer


    I found it interesting/odd that Jacob couldn't bring Ricardo's wife back, couldn't forgive Ricardo's sins, but WAS able to grant him eternal life. If he was, in fact, the devil then this would make sense assuming his wife went to heaven when she died (she was christian and wore the cross, died with a bible on her lap).
  16. The black jerseys are the best of the bunch, imo.
  17. QUOTE (Cali @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 08:32 PM) Yeah I thought he quit drinking years ago? This division is turning into AA-L Central That's what I thought too. I thought many of his problems in the Angels organization were attributed to alcohol and that upon coming to the Sox organization he turned over a new leaf. Oh well, either way it's good to hear he's quit again.
  18. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 4, 2010 -> 11:30 PM) When you have a lurching to the far left (by American standards), and the population is center right, this is what you get. Seriously? What are these "far left" bills that are being filibustered? Health care, I suppose, would fall into that weak label. Maybe some of the smackdowns on banks, but those are supported by the public. So what is it exactly that you're referring to that is sooo far left? Again, 20 years worth of filibusters in 1 year....and you're cool with that? So when the republicans got absolutely TROUNCED in the 2008 elections because, ya know, that "center right" population voted those evil "far left" congressmen into power, what the people were really saying was that they wanted the government to come to a standstill by the hand of the minority? Your argument is inconsistent.
  19. Heard an interesting stat last night......in 2009 the filibuster was used more often than it was used in the 1950's and 1960's....combined. To quote the anchor, the republicans fit 20 years of obstructionism into 1. Pretty impressive.
  20. I respect what he says but someone needs to talk some sense into him. Granted he's already made a boatload of money but just another 3 years could net him an additional $27M dollars or more....that's just ludicrous and an opportunity that not many people on this earth get. When you have a chance to build generational wealth so quickly, for playing a game, you'd be a fool to walk away when you've still got a good 7-10 years of pitching left in your arm. It's not like he's a lineman on a football team who will face years of pain and suffering for extending his career, he's a baseball player. My wife would kick my ass if I were him and retired.
  21. Putz reminds me of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys in this interview.
  22. I hope Gavin Floyd is Jake Peavy's shadow this season. If you take Gavin's stuff and mix it with Peavy's mental approach, man, we'll have arguably the best 1-2 punch in baseball. Coop got in Gavin's head and we've seen the results but Coop can't get out on the mound and demonstrate that demeanor like Jake can. I really think the atmosphere will be different in the clubhouse this season. Whether that leads to wins, who knows, but we've finally got a couple of guys who seem like they will be vocal leaders...namely Jake and Gordon.
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 1, 2010 -> 09:47 AM) That little league field is so much nicer than pretty much every field I have ever played on. Buckhead is a rather "ritzy" part of ATL....thus the nice fields.
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