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Everything posted by mmmmmbeeer

  1. Great game. Haren was on his game tonight and we pulled out a win, makes me happy. One thing I really noticed tonight was how MB was just POUNDING the inner half of that plate...I'm really not used to seeing that from Mark. As Hawk and DJ mentioned, OAK has always been successful against MB because they knew strikes were coming and they just went with the pitch, usually outer-half pitches shooting them to rf. MB changed his game plan tonight and it worked out splendidly. Hopefully Jonny boy was on the bench taking notes tonight.
  2. Anytime there's a jersey thread I have to drop in my personal fave, the ole Don Cooper jersey. Out of your options though, I'd go with AJ.
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 24, 2006 -> 03:31 PM) People always said Mack would be utilized like a starter when he gets going, because he's incredibly streaky. I feel this is just for the short-term. And I agree that BA should be out there the majority of the time. I think you hit it on the head greasy, Mack is in the midst of one of his patented hot streaks. Oz has got to play the hot hand in this situation. I think BA is going to be a hell of a ballplayer, and discounting any trade acquiring a new CF, I think we'll see BA playing nearly full time again by the end of the year and chipping in a few more hits for the O.
  4. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ May 21, 2006 -> 06:14 AM) Exactly how I feel. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...0entry1140783 Sorry man, hadn't visited the diamond club. Couldn't agree with you more. It's one of the most contrarian articles I can remember him writing. "Barrett, according to A.J., muttered incendiary words -- unusual for a highly religious man" -- huh? "Which means, yes, based on his pot-stirring reputation, as well as what he did before and after Barrett's punch, Pierzynski still strikes me as a bad guy in this affair." -- uh, ok. "While everyone else is playing baseball, A.J. thinks he's in the wrestling ring...Did he have to raise his arms as he ran to the dugout, like a triumphant Hulk Hogan?" -- sstttreeetcchhhh "And why raise your arms, point to your jaw and beat your chest in front of the South Side fans, some of whom are known to crash the field and attack people in uniform?" -- this is the point it becomes abundantly clear he's trying to get us going "Barrett, despite a loss of control that will cost him games and money, somehow came off better." -- lmao "When it's Anthony John Pierzynski, resident pest, a God-fearing ballplayer throws a punch at him." -- second mention of Barrett's religion, what does this have to do with anything?
  5. I refuse to link it, but if you feel like gagging please read the Moron's column this morning. Pay close attention to his word choices. It's almost like he bet someone he could write an article taking Barrett's side.
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 17, 2006 -> 10:23 AM) Agreed. But the fact remains, Brian is going to have to pick it up some. And I think he will. Perhaps one of the minor league gurus could chime in, but didn't Brian have a pretty tough time at AAA when first promoted? He's been successful at every level of ball he's played. In order to accomplish that feat you've got to have the ability to adjust. AAA was probably quite an adjustment from AA, it took him some time but once he got adjusted, he was an impact player. I expect much of the same at the ML level. Now if he's still hitting .190-.200 come the trade deadline, well, some tough decisions will need to be made.
  7. I pulled up Brian's name in my fantasy league to get his # of AB's when I noticed something interesting. Brian has 15 runs, 4 hr, and 10RBI in 97 ab's hitting out of the 9 hole. Garret Anderson, who makes millions and plays mediocre D, has 15 runs, 4hr, and 24 RBI in 137 ab's out of the cleanup spot. GA has a better average but I'd say that the difference in their averages is negated by the quality of D Brian plays in CF. Give the kid some time. He doesn't even have 100ab's yet. He's looking much better at the plate and is an exceptional outfielder. There really aren't any offensively dominant CF'ers in all of baseball, it's a defensive position. He's not hurting our team near as much as some of these threads would lead one to believe.
  8. I think he'll end up between 50 and 55. Hitting in the Cell will be quite a boon for his numbers. I also believe that, by season's end, Big Jim will have more home runs than Pujols. Pujols is certainly on a torrid pace at this point but Jim is only 4 behind him. As the season progresses, NL teams will begin to pitch around Pujols much as they did Barroids a couple years ago...honestly I can't believe that they haven't started pitching around him already. Thome has got mad protection with Paulie and JD behind him in the lineup, teams have no choice but to pitch to him. I'm not implying that Jim is a better hitter than Albert, not even close really, but the big picture leads me to believe Thome's HR numbers will be higher.
  9. The thing that jumps out at me in the last week or so is BA's willingness to go with the pitch. He's gone opposite field for a few of those hits, including that nice 2 strike dinger then other day.
  10. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ May 12, 2006 -> 02:46 PM) Bottom line...they have a computer looking at a bunch phone numbers....I can care less. If that computer can develop a pattern and help them catch someone, I'm all for it. There are people out there that want to blow up another building. There are people that want me you and everyone else that doesn't praise Allah dead. Intelligence is necessary, not really on this message board, but definitely for the powers that be when runnig this country. Just cause the media uses words like survellience and spying and eavesdropping doesn't mean the nsa is outside your window with binoculars. A gazillion phone numbers in a database, which probably 95% never even get looked at by human eyes, is hardly infringing on your civil liberties. Here ya go 630-362-6971. I believe that they are actually screening, electronically, the contents of each conversation, not just looking for patterns of phone numbers.
  11. QUOTE(Brian @ May 12, 2006 -> 08:29 PM) Also 5 BB's in 5 innings. But impressive none the less. With the Sox game blacked out on Extra Innings I decided to watch this game just to see him pitch. The walks could be a concern but it was his first MLB start against a pretty good offensive team in a hitters park; I'm sure the nerves were runnin' a bit. The thing that most impressed me about the kid was the horrible swings those batters were taking. Pitches WELL out of the zone and they're flailing at them. He's obviously deceiving hitters very well with his pitch selection and delivery. I've got my waiver claim in on him already in my money league.
  12. This Hamels rook from Philly is looking REALLY sharp in his first ML start, outside of some walks. Had a no-no going through 4 2/3. 7Ks, 5BBs, 1H, 0R through 5. This kid dominated in the minors...just a lil heads up to you fantasy players.
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 12, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) There are some many things wrong with Torri Hunter coming to the Sox. 1.He plays for the Twins. There is strike #1, and why everything else is moot, but I'll go on just for the sake of being bored in class. If we were to nab Hunter, it would be at the cost of getting rid of whats left of a semi weak system as it is(I would think Fields and another pitcher would be involved, maybe just to start the deal out) Im not sure I want those players coming back to haunt me in 09. 2. Torri is very overrated with the strick. While he will outproduce Anderson at the plate, I really dont think there is that big of a drop off when it comes to D. Torii has a few steps on Anderson, but not enough for it to be a concern. 3. If the Twins keep playing like they are, Torii is going to be on the radar screens of ALOT of teams, and I dont think Kenny needs to get into a bidding war for something he doesnt need. I like Torii Hunter ALOT, and would enjoy seeing him on the Sox, but with the makeup of the team right now, it's just not a fit. I wouldn't even agree that Hunter "has a few steps" on Anderson since Torrii hurt his ankle last season. I don't believe he's stolen a base yet this season, whereas last season he ended up with what, like 20sb? If you jack up an ankle severely, as he did, you'll never be the same. Give me Anderson long term, trade those 'spects for bullpen help. *edit* -- Torrii has 1 sb so far this season, 23 sb last season in 98 games.
  14. I like trades like A-Rows. We've got a guy who's first in the AL in HR, RBI, and OBP (min 100ab) and they've got a guy who will be a fan favorite and leaves it all out on the field. Both teams won. Trades like this make Kenny an intriguing trading partner. As far as getting him back, I loved A-Row when he was with the Sox, and will always consider him a favorite no matter where he's playing, but I want to see BA patrol CF for several years. I think we've got something special in that kid.
  15. A-Row just had one f*** of a catch in the Phils/Mets game. Looked like he maybe broke his nose or some s*** in the process. Unreal grab though, living up to his reputation.
  16. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ May 11, 2006 -> 12:15 PM) On Mac, Jurko and the harry ones' show yesterday Rex was giving tons or respect to the Sox. He couldn't say enough good things about the Sox. I don't know, man. Maybe it was different being he was talking to Sox fans as opposed to speaking to Angels fans, as he does during the games.
  17. I can't stand this guy when I have to listen to his broadcasts. Hawk may be a homer but atleast he gives credit to the other team where credit is due. Hudler is just a pure jackass who RARELY gives any credit to the opposition, or atleast the Sox being that's the games I'm usually forced to endure his jock-like lingo. IE., last night against Haeger... Angels have been hitting horribly, no doubt about that. So they finally tag Haeger, a rookie knuckleballer making his first ML appearance, and Hudler starts talking about how the "Angels are back" and pimping their clutch hits (nevermind the fact that Haeger gave them all their baserunners via the walks). Huddy, your team isn't "back" nor are they "clutch". They took advantage of a 22 year old kid making his first start who couldn't control his 73mph knuckler and can only hit 84 with his fastball.
  18. i'm not real sure where to look, but if Crede were to hit similarly to his minor league days, what kind of #'s could we expect? Was he nothing but average with a little bit of pop, a power guy with only a decent avg, or was he just an all around dominant offensive player- pop+avg.?
  19. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ May 1, 2006 -> 08:14 PM) I thought the booing of Thome was absolute classless as well. As for comparing him to Maggs, as far I know Thome never ripped the Indians or anything like that. word. it's more similar to someone like paulie or MB leaving the team, coming back and getting booed. Cleveland fans look like jackasses.
  20. One of the things that I REALLY liked about this game is that Big Mack found his groove. Sure he's just a bench guy, but he's a very streaky bench guy. With Dye's calf a little beat up, Mack will be seeing some playing time this week. Couldn't pick a better time for him to hit one of his hot streaks.
  21. THAT'S why you put your motherf***ing closer in the game instead of playing the f***ing matchups!!! Kong Scotty Javy Big Mack Bobby
  22. If mods want to merge this with the pinned AS thread, that's cool. Just curious what y'all think...Ozzie seems to REALLY take pride in sticking up for his players, almost to a fault at times. So come July, am I the only one who thinks Ozzie is going to bring a ridiculous number of white sox players with him, drawing MAJOR criticism from the media? Just knowing the way Ozzie seems to feed off of controversey, I think this is very possible.
  23. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 10:05 PM) I REALLY think he cracked a few ribs there. My work is carrying this feed and they showed JD during the break walking around the dugout. He's fine.
  24. I love this poll on the front page of their MLB page... Who will have the best season? Roger Clemens Randy Johnson Greg Maddux Pedro Martinez Mike Mussina Curt Schilling what a pointless poll.
  25. The guys who thought to market typical college/military videotape collections as "Girls Gone Wild" are f***ing geniuses.
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