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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Yep, we have to give him every chance here but afraid he's just breaking down.
  2. He absolutely carried us in the second half last year, I'd still give that contract every time.
  3. Post mortem on tonight is Giolito has simply got to be better. He got dinked and dunked but he also has to pitch over it. Offense has to do better than 2 runs against a shitty Quantrill too. He was not good tonight, and there was every opportunity to get back into it. Not sure whey we didn't let Lambert and Banks soak up more innings.
  4. i think he's fine and some of our fans just want something to b**** about.
  5. amazing how many sox fans hate him and people outside of chicago keep giving him better jobs
  6. made it three innings before a trainer visit, you have to be fucking kidding me
  7. the only batters i actually trust coming up at least sky looks nice too
  8. how's your summer project of cloning faster versions of him going?
  9. Because he's got the best numbers against Cleveland in franchise history?
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