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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Giolito knew Naylor was going to try and hit the first pitch 500 feet
  2. We have two off days next week so it shouldn't be a huge issue. I imagine Leury or Pollock will play CF in one of the DH games
  3. As I said last time, hopefully at least they give us Stephen Nelson as he's a Sox fan.
  4. of course they cut to commercial now.
  5. We go from one of my least favorite Sox to one of my favorite, at least.
  6. Have Rowland-Smith announce every pick
  7. @fathom's dream just died at the hands of the snakes
  8. maybe toman falls all the way to our second pick
  9. Fred McGriff looks great for as old as I assume he is
  10. I'll be surprised if its not college, but a prep arm in the first was a surprise
  11. Wow, Isaac looks like if Reynaldo Lopez gained 70 pounds
  12. Haha, the retweet just showed up in my timeline.
  13. Sox are next up at 62 in case anyone wondered
  14. I would be shocked if that's the case with a high school kid.
  15. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/byron-buxton-tim-anderson-and-the-judicious-application-of-speed/ There's more in the blog about how Buxton is slowing down as well.
  16. Seems like the Sox will have some choices.
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