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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Against my own better instincts, I have procured beer and a comfortable recliner to watch this game
  2. The Hawk reaction is whatever you want it to be. If anyone would want to clean that picture up to a 100x100 png with his head cutout, I'd gladly replace it. Same with the TLR wtf look in the dugout from July 4.
  3. this is definitely a choice for detroit
  4. why pitch to jose if youre detroit?
  5. and the bad strike call directly leads to strike two
  6. if youre detroit, why even pitch someone left handed here when any human being with a functional right hand will do
  7. But if you pinch hit Seby and he gets mauled by a dog before the game reaches the tenth and we tie it, what are we to do
  8. Leury time for everyone clamoring for him
  9. like it means anything, but it would be nice if josh could reach to at least get the 9 hitter up this inning instead of in the ninth
  10. Vaughn is sick, Engel has to be available to pinch run, can't put in the second catcher, you know who that leaves for an option
  11. because much as water finds its level, the 2022 white sox will find the most annoying outcome
  12. the problem with this team imploding is we are just going to have the same people trying to fix things, even if we fired hahn, we'll just promote getz or something
  13. each day this team gives you a new way and reason to hate it
  14. They look like a team that was convinced they could flip the switch whenever and then when they tried to flip the switch, there was no power
  15. Too early to pinch run for Jose? I kid....kind of
  16. Your two most important jobs as manager are managing the actual clubhouse, and maximizing your guys chances of success. No one would ever argue TLR is doing the latter.
  17. that was completely fine, jimmy for the love of everything holy, can we do something this inning
  18. expecting a ground ball to the left side or a K here, just like everyone else
  19. let the call stand because this game is hard enough to watch as it is
  20. thank god for the tigers always willing to be one step worse than us if we are just willing to take it
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