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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. im sure we all feel this buxton at bat will go swimmingly
  2. I see we have won three of our last five and I choose to ignore any other data points
  3. I really don't care if we stick him in left anymore or not. This team has made it easy not to care about this year.
  4. must be nice to competently field a ball
  5. man, when you need a hard hit ball to the left side, we're your team
  6. never a doubt lets homer on the first pitch
  7. I've watched very little baseball the last four days, but I saw we went 3-1. I assume nothing else of consequence has happened, just that we've played good baseball and I plan to look no further into it.
  8. you're only saying that because hes statistically the worst player in baseball
  9. Who knew Leury Garcia taking up switch hitting at a young age would hurt this franchise so much
  10. why bother pinch hitting the guy with the 921 OPS against lefties here
  11. For as great as Ohtani has been tonight there's been a number of middle middle sliders
  12. This is gonna be Kopech's last inning, wonder what our drink of choice will be in the 6th.....Lambert?
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