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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. are we really gonna notice if hes slower
  2. Either give Jose tomorrow off or for the love of God at least put him at DH
  3. This is training for the west coast games in a week. We'll only be in the fifth or sixth right now then
  4. I understand rest days, but we've really embraced carrying players that are apparently too injured to play
  5. I like how Vince has started to get better at getting his balls hit hard right at guys
  6. If Leury's healthy enough, man I consider pinch running him for Jose then figuring out first base in the 13th if it gets to it
  7. Its super important Jose reaches or else hes the runner at second in the 12th
  8. they're not going to voluntarily put the winning run on, especially one that can steal second
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