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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. The Davis faction soooooo owns the Marte groupies.
  2. I dunno....the jury is still out on Wilson "I've never taken 4 pitches in an at-bat" Valdez.
  3. I don't have much at all... Got autographs from Foulke, Bagwell, and Hoiberg of ISU fame. Had email correspondance with Sirotka, BMac, Cotts, Baj, Bull..... Ate BBQ with Bobby Douglas, wrestling coach at ISU and Johnny Orr and his wife before a Cyclone football game.... ....That's about it... Oh, I know Jason Cage.
  4. I'd like to but my upcoming schedule is kinda rocky...so I dunno.
  5. .385 hitter since my sig. Magical powers, i tell ya.
  6. Heads22

    Soxtalk Book Club

    It has but the movie is crappy. Dostoyevsky can be a bit intimidating but always interesting.
  7. Heads22

    Soxtalk Book Club

    I read C&P. It's really deep and complicated, but if you are into that kind of stuff....pretty good read.
  8. It's getting very, very old. He shouldn't even be on the Sox right now, but injuries have put him there. I suggest you root for him. It's not his fault he was thrust into a pennant race, and it's sure as hell not like he's not trying.
  9. It's a police state now. Expect Jason Cage to be named new CEO soon.
  10. Cerb and I have decided that Jason will be fired from FutureSox. A typo of his is now getting national attention at the bottom of the Google News Sports Section http://www.google.com/news/en/us/sports.html This typo misrepresents both Cerb and FutureSox.com
  11. Lol....got confused.....doing a lot of FS work tonite.
  12. http://www.futuresox.com/modules.php?op=mo...order=0&thold=0
  13. There was a different, less productive Craig Wilson that played for the Sox back in the early or mid ninties.
  14. Although, I must say, Iowa State hockey owns.
  15. Heh....for being so close to Minny., we could give less than a s*** about hockey in Iowa.
  16. hey Spiff, I still gotta see if I can find our school production of Batman. They filmed another one, cause the guy who directed it is in college...he's going to film school.....but there are plans to have a 3-dvd box set. Let's just say there's a lot of people getting kicked in the nuts and the like.
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