Improved a bit, but, gosh darn it, I'm not quite as smart as Murcie J.
Percentile rank for graduating high school seniors.
May 2001 ---> June 2003
English: 25 81st percentile-----> 29 94%
>Usage: 14 87%----->16 96%
>Rhet. Skills: 12 74%----->15 95%
Math:24 76%----->26 85%
>Pre-Al: 13 76%----->16 93%
>Alg. 12 78%----->13 87%
>Trig: 13 82%----->12 74%
Science: 28 95%----->34 99%
Reading: 31 93%----->32 96%
>Soc. St/Sci: 17 97%----->17 98%
>Arts/Lit: 15 85%----->16 91%
Overall: 27 90%----->30 97%
I thought I could've done better. I'm extremley pleased with my Science score because the test kicked my ass.