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Posts posted by Heads22

  1. 6.5 out, or so it seems, and we are just six games away from playing them in a three game set.


    so freaking weird how this team isn't out of it. I mean they realistically have somewhat of a shot.  it will all be found out after this stretch of games.  so far 1 for 1 with 15 left.

    And Mario, you can finally write a recap without the urge to vomit....

  2. Soxheads, when was Iowa State started?


    APU, suck it motherf***er!!!

    Chartered- 1858


    First year of classes - 1868

    Illinois State: Since 1857!!! We beatcha by a year. We are the REAL ISU!!!

    Yeah, well the first electronic computer wa invented at Iowa State....beat that!

    Well Cal State Fullerton is going to win the College World Series this year so take that :headbang


    In regards to honor classes, I laugh at honors classes. 4 years of high school, took one my freshman year and realized this crap blows. I don't want to waste my freaking time doing a bunch of bs work (Even though thats what all of high school is).


    Just did enough to get into a college in high school and I always told myself once I got into college I'd apply myself. So far, so good. While I was a lazy ass throughout high school, I didn't burn myself out and I actually knew what it was like to have a good time :cheers .


    Now I got no problem if someone is aspiring to go into Harvard or something like that, cause for that you got to work your absolute arse off from the get go. Since I'm trying for law I knew that you don't do that till after you finish your undergrad, therefor cheap for 4 years, then get reamed for 3 years.

    It'd be different if Iowa State still had a baseball team.


    f*** you, Bruce Van De Velde.

  3. Soxheads, when was Iowa State started?


    APU, suck it motherf***er!!!

    Chartered- 1858


    First year of classes - 1868

    Illinois State: Since 1857!!! We beatcha by a year. We are the REAL ISU!!!

    Yeah, well the first electronic computer wa invented at Iowa State....beat that!

  4. Flint, Michigan...stupid.

    A couple of the best basketball players in Iowa State history came from there...most notably Jeff Grayer.



    I am sure youse meant Jeff Weaver?


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That is an EXCELLENT exchange of posts!!!

    :P :D ;)





    "EXCUSE ME??"





    I'm still confused.

  5. Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


    But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

    I seem to remember 19 wins he had for us last year.


    I'm out...going to bed.


    Later all.

  6. Flint, Michigan...stupid.

    A couple of the best basketball players in Iowa State history came from there...most notably Jeff Grayer.



    I am sure youse meant Jeff Weaver?


  7. OK, I'm thirsty so I'll bite...


    As of today (6/15/03), the Chicago White Sox have hit 8,393 total HRs since the inagural 1901 season.  12 of these homeruns occurred in post-season games, so the regular season homerun total is 8,381.


    Hilights:  The all-time low year was 1908, in which only 3 HRs were recorded. The all-time high years were the past 3 seasons (2000, 2001, 2002), in which we managed 216, 214, and a whopping 217 HRs, respectively.  No wonder we were all so darn jazzed about our offensive potential coming into this year.  Do you think I should forward the stats to the players to remind them?


    Seeing the lone HR (Ray Durham) during the entire 2000 ALCS opened up painful wounds, too, so it better be good beer....


    Totals were just now manually added up by me from information archived at baseball-reference.com, because it beats trying to get some real work done :-)

    ALCS I wish....

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