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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. you pray for to much stuff, if there is a god dont you think he is getting tired of you praying for to much stuff. i hope you atleast say your thankful for what you have. I moved your discussion to off-topic cause you guys weren't really talking about Thigpen anymore.
  2. I was trying to say something more polite than "is PK slamming his cock into your loved one right now?" Ok? Happy? Now: Back to the euphemisms - wonder how many times PK scores at his in-room ball game tonight - Paulie handing out personalized bats Paulie playing "hide the ball park hot dog" LMAFO!
  3. I think you should get that 17" powerbook...but the stuff you want and probably need are on PC's.
  4. I got it. I uploaded the image to my home directory.
  5. Need help? Some advice? A backrub? A taco Pizza? Well, this is a cheap knockoff of the ask Murcie thread, so I'm limited as far as Pizza, but I'm here to help. I'll pound those problems right out of ya. Or maybe this whole idea is just a way to see myself post. Either way, here I am, cuz I wanna be your bud!
  6. What? I dunno, a joke that went bad.
  7. And when he's dead or drunk...come to me.
  8. Ummmmmm, I think I'll PASS! Lol. Come on heather! Let's be buddies!
  9. I guess people could ask heads too....cuz I wanna be your buddy too!
  10. f***, I forgot to say that. As a prize, next time you're in Oelwein, I'll make you a sandwich and buy you gift certificates for the local McDonalds.
  11. Of course I start the huge argument....
  12. The draft will begin in about a half hour. Make it there so that the computer doesnt select Nevin Jeter and Griffey for you.
  13. Me and Jas are working together on it.
  14. I'm working on it right now.
  15. Unstuck. Since I don't wanna use email, I'll ask you here. Are you or have you ever been a porn star?
  16. For now if you want to get a picture of a player, go to the SoxNet roster pages, click on the link for the player you want, right-click on his picture, choose "Copy Image Address" or whatever. In your post, click on the IMG button, paste it in, click close all tags, and voila, pictures in your posts. I know it's a lot to do but it's all that's avaliable for now. Maybe we can make it simpler in the future but a lot of stuff has higher priorty at the moment with the recent move. whoo...that was a lot of typing
  17. Geez, I type all this and Jason already answered it.
  18. Baggio is in charge of the league. Direct any questions towards him. I think now is too late to change the time. As far as how long it will take, probably an hour to 90 minutes, depending on how many people are there. It will automatically draft players for you based on Yahoo rankings if you aren't. Go to the league and pre-rank your players if you can't be there or have to leave early. Go to the main league page about 15-20 minutes early and click on "Enter Live Draft" if you can be there. Alex
  19. Heads22

    Off topic

    Contact baggio bout that.
  20. Heads22

    Three Kings

    Has anyone seen Three Kings? A cool movie that is somewhat relevant now.
  21. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;j...storyID=2522841
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