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Posts posted by Heads22


    I was just wondering, what do any of you think of the state of Iowa? I'd be interested to see what people think about when they hear Iowa, hopefully besides corn and pigs.

  1. OK, after what my dad told me about Braun I dont think Ill vote for her. We need a minority president but we need a good one. Hey baggs, get Dr Keyes to run and Ill vote for him...  :D


    I think I heard she announced her presidential intentions in Des Moines today.

  2. But its in most of these countries. And the last couple of times we went to other countries to provide support against tyranny, it came back to bite us in the rear. We supplied weapons to Iraq and Afghanistan and they both used them against us. Then we sent troops to Somalia to get peace and 18 American soldiers died because of it. Im not up for intervening in anymore of these countries affairs. But that doesnt mean Im not for war in Iraq. Iraq poses a threat, perhaps a minimal one but still a threat. Somalia and Afghanistan posed no threat. So, we should be defensive, not offensive.

    I have never seen the threat Iraq poses to the US. I'm going to bed, got an early morning tomorrow. Nite.

  3. And some of this hatred is towards their governments. But obviously no matter how bad a government is apu the commie will kill me for even suggesting that we intervene in another countries affairs. So we cant realy help there, can we apu?

    Hey, those are his beliefs and he defends them very strongly. I don't see why you have to attack him.

  4. They teach their kids how to hate others rather than how to improve their own society. If thats how they want to act, fine by me, but dont ask America to jump in and risk their own men to save theirs...

    Who are "they"?

    The people of all the countries where people are dying like flies because of hunger...

    Like Ethiopia?

    Yes. And I might add its not only anti-American hatred that these people brew. Its hatred towards anything. Hatred kills...

    True, hatred does kill, but I think you are making a gross over-generalization that all countries where people are dropping like fleas because of hunger is because of their hate of the civilized West.

  5. They teach their kids how to hate others rather than how to improve their own society. If thats how they want to act, fine by me, but dont ask America to jump in and risk their own men to save theirs...

    Who are "they"?

    The people of all the countries where people are dying like flies because of hunger...

    Like Ethiopia?

  6. You guys talk about how thousands of people died in 9/11 well this is true and it was a terrible tragedy and I feel terrible for friends and family of the victims.  But what many people take a blind eye to is that tens upon thousands of people all over the world die every day due to hunger.  Why cant america spend money on these types of problems instead of "Star Wars" and all those other crazy weapons systems.  I am by no means an expert on war or politics but I know the US could spend more money on these types of things.


    PS U.S. has one of the highest child poverty rates in the world.


    Im Canadian by the way.


    All replies and opinions welcome.

    Maybe, just perhaps, these people wouldnt be in such horrible shape if they didnt spend so much time whining about how they hate America and if they spent a little more time improving their minds and teaching their future generations. I dont care that people are suffering in the Middle East and such places. If they werent so full of hatred towards others they wouldnt be so poor. These people think the West is responsible for their problems and thats their problem. They take no responsibility for anything. Its their own fault. When theyre in the ditch they call for America to help them and when we help them out they use the strength we gave them to punch us in the gut...

    Wow. :nono I'm sure most that die of hunger because of not enough money brought it on themselves. I also don't see how the hatred of the West and that causing them to be poor have anything to do with each other. That has got to be the worst post this year, in my opinion, on all of this Mid-East crap.

  7. J......... leave everything to me.......


    I did this last year for a bunch of friends and it was pretty good.


    I'll do some research....... and choose between some of the free ones.

    If you need any help drop me an electronic line.

  8. Koch should definetley stay in the closers role. That is what we are paying him for. When we are winning games in the 9th by 3 or less (4 in some cases), I expect to see Koch out there saving that game. Marte is an extremely good pitcher, no doubt, but he should stay in the set-up man role. He did good there when he set up for Osuna or Foulke. When Marte was a set-up man, he did great. He did great also when he was a closer for the 13 games or so he came in as. He came in as a closer because we did not have a set closer, Foulke wasn't doing hot at all last year, and him and Osuna switched off. Now we do have a set closer in Billy Koch, and since we do, I think the set-up man role is set now with Marte.

    I agree. It should be his job to lose.

  9. When hitting like himself, it's Frank, hands down...


    Mags is still improving, so maybe soon it will be him, but until he hits .353, .349, or .347, it's gotta be the Hurt.

    What years did Frank have those averages?

    '94, '96, and '97, respectively.

    That's been six years. I still think that Magglio is the best hitter in the lineup right now.

    I hate to do this, because I love Mags, but...


    The last season that Frank was himself was 2000. In that season, Frank was .328, 43, and 143. Mags was .315, 32, 126. Frank's OBP was .436, compared to Mags' .371. Mags was good, but Frank was great.


    Even look at last season. Frank had what was probably his worst year, and Mags had his best year. Yet, Mags' OBP was only 20 points higher than Frank's (.381 to .361).


    So again, Mags is good, but Frank is (still) better.

    Maggs' ba was 68 points higher last year, had 105 more total bases and his slugging was about 125 points higher.

    Comparing one person's best season to another's worst proves absolutely nothing. It's a waste of time to write it, and a waste of time for others to read it.

    I don't see how referring to how Thomas did 6 seasons ago proves how good he will do now either.

  10. He had a decent season last year at Birmingham batting .276 with 39/57 stolen bases.


    Im not sure but I think I heard he's moving up to Charlotte this year.  I think there may be too many people ahead of him to get into the White Sox uni anytime soon though. ;)

    MLB.com has him on the Knights roster.

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