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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Heads22

    Incredible Info

    http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0011...ure1/index.html Havent got a scanner. Here is some stuff that was in it.
  2. Heads22

    Incredible Info

    The November 2000 issue. Been a while since I've seen it. Gonna look through it now.
  3. Heads22

    Incredible Info

    Just a sec, I'm gonna run down to my basement to get it. In 1999 I think, they did features on Iraq, Iran and Libya. Lots of stuff.
  4. Heads22


    I think some stuff will be different when the move is made. Maybe there will be a link on there.
  5. Heads22


    I didn't build it, just put all the stuff in. I do have that palm schedule for the sox. What should I do with that Jason? Maybe just give people my email and I can send it to them if they want it? Or maybe they can jsut drop me a PM?
  6. Heads22

    Incredible Info

    Anybody ever read the National Geographic where they go into Libya and interview Qadaffi? It was a really good read.
  7. Heads22


    Yeah, he's huge there. Yeah, you should've seen the saddened masses when I left. when did you become a mod? in ref to knowing more in ref to minor, i will go give way to vic's knowledge but randar is on par with some of the poeple on this board. more knowledgeable posters. no way. and ref to actual post or quality no way. we have a quick turn around on threads. some of the poster that i have miss is not that big of a prob. you had some of the biggest poster come over in a short period. you know what is funny, i am still in the top 13 and they still can't touch jm. A while back so I could do the calendar. I don't really do anything besides that.
  8. Heads22


    Yeah, he's huge there. Yeah, you should've seen the saddened masses when I left.
  9. Iran is kind of a mystery. They almost seem ready to help us at times, then they get really pissed off at us. I will get really pissed if we aim for Iran. Just my feelings.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/22/...iles/index.html Article about cruise missles going into Iran. Some interesting stuff about our relations, actually.
  11. You didn't have Buehrle opening day?
  12. I'm really glad I'm over here now.
  13. I had them going down in the first round. Good thing I had Tulsa making the sweet 16.
  14. Heads22


    The Hawks won by one. Apparently it was one hell of a game. Iowa was up by 12 with 5 lext, ISU had it tied with 2 left, but the ISU big guy missed 2 free throws and lost it.
  15. Heads22

    10 days!

    Wooo 23,000th reply in Pale Hose Talk! Anyways, that is one badass avatar.
  16. Heads22


    Yup. And you guys don't want him back? No. I'd rather have Eustachy.
  17. Heads22


    Well they only lose one senior who didnt play much, and their recruiting class is about mid pack, but i think they can improve significantly.
  18. Heads22


    I know. That ticks me off. The Clones return everyone next year, so both teams, I think, should be NCAA material next year.
  19. Heads22


    Your Hawks are goin' down tonite.
  20. I click on them and they pop up in a new window. I'm running Safari.
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