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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Since the brackets are out you can make your picks now.
  2. I've got the 64 version. It was pretty awesome.
  3. Heads22

    Pepsi lids.

    Seriousity? That's one hell of a word.
  4. I don't see Miles on the 25.
  5. I totally agree with everything u said Killa, Aaron Rowand was NEVER given much of an opportunity. Every season, someone had to start in front of him, and he got pushed down and had to fill in at about midseason. Willie Harris AND Aaron Miles are STRICTLY infielders, DO NOT try infielders out on the outfield. But if Rowand is unavailable for any reason, Borch would be the best choice for sure. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Harris play some OF in the Orioles system?
  6. Heads22

    Jersey Dilemma?

    How bout them Hawks Kark? I seem to remember the Clones won by 27 today.
  7. Heads22

    Jersey Dilemma?

    Try 5' 4.5" and 111 pounds! b****!
  8. Heads22

    mlb tv

    Apprently the Sox-Cubs game on Friday will be offered for free.
  9. Damn. I didn't want to be RPS's anal slave.
  10. Heads22


    I posted that too in the off-topic forum, there's a link to the CNN story there. Really good news.
  11. CNN Link: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/03/12/smar...ping/index.html
  12. She was in Salt Lake City the whole time is what it is sounding like.
  13. I already have his address. I probably don't want to know why, do I?
  14. Does this mean all the time I spent in the Calendar was for nothing? Don't forget Jas, you still owe me a Coke for that!
  15. Suuuuuuurrrrrrre. I'd make sure someone kicks your ass at the same time.
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