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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. every fly ball feels like a damn adventure when it goes to right
  2. Tim hitting .225 close and late this year before that at bat with a .620 OPS
  3. Tim not being straight warm garbage right here would be nice
  4. Well, he was for a week. He wants to be here doing our games.
  5. Even with Kimbrel, Bummer being worth a shit is extremely important to this team
  6. Whenever we reach peak outfield, the only alignment that makes sense most of the time is Vaughn/The KC version of Eloy - Robert - Engel
  7. Leury's gonna find the outfield. Will it find the grass?
  8. forgot i didn't need to worry about that with the way his day is going
  9. If Goodwin reaches I actually consider pushing the issue with a double steal
  10. Lopez was terrible, got sent down, felt sorry for himself, was even worse in Charlotte, and now all of a sudden he's shoving I'm here for it. Lets capitalize.
  11. good on ramirez running over to jose, even if only he's the one who'd likely be targeted
  12. I can very easily see Liam throwing tight later in this game if the situation allows
  13. Jose keeps getting hit in a lot of situations where you don't try to hit someone but its got to be getting super fucking old
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