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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. While we're asking questions, (and I know this was suggested before), should the goose shoot smoke from its mouth and have its eyes light up on White Sox home runs? I see literally no downside (unless you're standing directly in front of the goose)
  2. sure seems like carlos is developing a blister
  3. not everything is a referendum on jerry
  4. Jason's going to be doing Sox games as long as he wants
  5. Seby had that one under more control than it originally appeared
  6. Benetti is doing Yankees/Red Sox tonight
  7. Romy with a leadoff dong in game one of the DH, Pilkington on the mound (that ERA is sinking below 4)
  8. Tyler Johnson as a trade piece for Escobar does make quite a bit of sense, though I feel like it would involve another piece
  9. I was originally critical of the lineup roulette we saw from TLR early in the year, but I do think it's helped a ton in keeping bench pieces ready to go and able to contribute.
  10. it gets really tired being accused of being a "water carrier" or whatever for big pharma or the mainstream media or whatever when you simply want to see people get vaccinated because it's literally the best way to prevent needless death. i'm not in the pocket of pfizer. i could give two shits about cnn's ratings. vaccination is the best way to keep people from dying. just because people have diabetes or are overweight or whatever doesn't mean their deaths are more acceptable. shit, i can even understand vaccine hesitancy. my brother is vaccinated, my sister in law is not because she is pregnant and was concerned about possible complications from that. i get it. what i don't get are the q-style arguments against it, like its all for fauci, or that this is all intentional or whatever. fuck that. there's been thousands upon thousands of needless deaths and we have a tool to fight that
  11. i enjoyed that much more than yesterday
  12. I haven't seen him pitch yet but I assume Keyvius Sampson isn't very good
  13. not enough people yelled stretch on that one
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