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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Dallas is the one that deserves the negative vibes that Cease gets for some reason
  2. [hawk voice] i haven't seen anyone look that hitterish since paulie.....that'll get you some square footage in scottsdale
  3. I, in particular, like watching Andrew Vaughn hit.
  4. their pitcher is meat; if you don't hit him you don't deserve to win
  5. because im too lazy to check, is he starting in WS because WS is at home and Charlotte is on the road?
  6. He made Eloy look like Engel
  7. Wow, the Dash have blown their game in hilariously awful fashion
  8. Just watched Lazaro Leal forget how to walk when trying to catch a fly ball in left
  9. The good thing is even if you get it, the vaccine has still proven to be remarkably effective against hospitalization and death -
  10. Every time I'm ready to come around on him something dumb happens.
  11. Not much exciting happening outside of Kannapolis
  12. haha, this was almost enough to make me forget grandal died
  13. holy fuck billy hamilton that fucker is fun
  14. I don't hate Liam getting the heart of their order, though Kopech could have served the some purpose obviously
  15. i'm surprised liam is in, unless tony knows this is done after 8
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