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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. It feels like its been a long ass time since a Collins home run
  2. I would still prefer getting that setup guy
  3. Score some fucking runs and get Rodon a W
  4. Indians have runners on 2nd and 3rd, down 1, with two outs
  5. Vaughn hits a righty! And is rewarded by getting hit with a rogue throw
  6. Jose Ramirez leaves Indians game due to injury.
  7. "and that's why i don't like shifting"
  8. i assume you're talking about av in left
  9. just a hilarious confluence of events, really
  10. Carlos does not want to give in to Chas, blows him away with 99
  11. Stiever has allowed four home runs so far
  12. Can we extend Carlos a QO? I'm not sure and I wonder if we'd consider it.
  13. Jake Lamb needs to play a lot vs RHP. Also, Yasmani going first to third is fun
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