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Everything posted by Heads22

  1. Sheets might be our next best chance at a non shitty at bat against Lange
  2. Benintendi might be our best chance at a non shitty at bat against Lange
  3. Aside from sitting high 90s, Liam has looked better with every appearance. I could see the next situation being a save situation for him
  4. only took four straight baserunners to get one run
  5. nice inning from michael with some help from kulpa
  6. its like looking into an extremely mediocre mirror
  7. I'd be tempted to get Andrew moving with the chances of Lange burying curves in the dirt
  8. Graveman finally looking like the guy we thought we might be getting
  9. good start andrew should consider hitting a home run
  10. Andrew's no gold glover, but he is better than Sheets at first
  11. somehow we are 18th in baseball in barrels/plate appearance
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