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hi8is last won the day on November 30 2021

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About hi8is

  • Birthday 01/12/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Castaic, CA

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Winston-Salem Dash (High-A)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    It's been a part of my daily life since 2003. Wierd.
  • Favorite Sox player
    Robert & Lynn
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Winning the series in 2005 and being there in person to see them clinch a world series birth in Anaheim!
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Frank Thomas & M.B.

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  1. I’m walkin on sunshine… whoooaaaaaaaaoooooooo.
  2. Maybe I should apply for the international director of scouting… I know a little league park in California that makes mean chili cheese fries.
  3. Good luck kid, our track record gives so many reasons for optimism! Head up!!
  4. I feel like such an idiot. All I had to do was put $1,000 on the line for the Sox to lost every game for the last 44 games and I would have $36,000. Dumb f*** me says hello to dumb f*** you.
  5. 😆 I love how every single post has now become a mini-roast of the White Sox. They fucking deserve it.
  6. I don’t like him one bit but what’s being shown here? Seems like nothing. People are so quick to jump aboard allegations but as a target of false claims which still are causing damage that I am contending to finally bring justice to, it important to let reason win out over emotion. You don’t really know just how hard it is until you live it and learn what it’s like to try swimming up stream.
  7. Holy s%*#… I just realized how bad we are. This whole time I thought it was good when we lost, figured the number in the L column meant we were playoff contenders, and heard all this talk of historic records which made me figure our team was destined for greatness. So you’re telling me we actually suck? Huh, go figure.
  8. I have high hopes for this team to set more historic records. We rule.
  9. I didn’t even know they played until the game was over.
  10. Yea… I’m still squinting my ass off and am having trouble seeing clearly. I might be stuck this way, should I call the doctor?
  11. I’m squinting and crossing my eyes really hard to see a playoff team in our future but it’s just not coming into focus.
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