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Everything posted by hi8is

  1. Seems like you were doing exactly what you were claiming not to be doing in that post. ?
  2. Which actually seems like we were wrong about. We’ll never know what would have happened but I’d say the majority would agree that what we spent on instead has been fantastic... and we’re still not done ( hopefully ).
  3. From one Bill Hicks fan to a supposed other, I loves you.
  4. They better blow up budgets and pump in mad money like never before.
  5. If you have an athletic subscription this article is good: https://theathletic.com/2167972/2020/10/29/tony-la-russa-jerry-reinsdorf-white-sox-mlb/?source=user_shared_article ”Only the White Sox.”
  6. Maybe he can also write “f**” near second base in the dirt before each game too and promote Getz to his bench coach.
  7. Same... and I was going to ask if he could be player manager. ?
  8. I think I’ve got general anxiety about this decision nearing the same levels of what’s going to happen in our country in 5 days. “Mercy.”
  9. Can someone “in the know” please walk this back with a cold water tweet... like... now?
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