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Everything posted by hi8is

  1. well holy s*** boys and girls looks like we got ourselves a baseball team in the making
  2. what the hell is scarecrow thinking putting DJ in for crede
  3. im still here too, watchin along on gameday
  4. im on page 98 =) its been kinda hard for me to follow thou
  5. anyone know how many games the sox have came back to win this year? 1? ha i have no clue how many, doubt its been much
  6. what the hell is going on, for the last like 20 minutes gameday on mlb.com has been frozen
  7. sorry to say but i think that this game is over
  8. im in califiornia and dont get WGN... doh!
  9. what the hell just happened on that lee single? im watching on mlb.com gameday
  10. 3 guys in our line up hitting under .200 and not one guy hitting .300 SAD 5.5 games outta first - AMAZING
  11. i think that after this game, big frank is gonna need to be added to that cub killa list
  12. i just see them mention elo once, whats your point
  13. can you post the article here, i cant access the espn website
  14. hi8is

    new poll

    yep yep opeth rock the casba for sure amigo and H is one of my favriote tool songs, well, there all one of my favriotes =)
  15. hi8is

    new poll

    ? its all about tool, dredg, opeth, mogwai, and bill hicks
  16. ok... i thought id walk outside, see the second comming of christ, say hi to him, win the lotterey, come back inside see that frank hit a homer, and saw botch save the game.... i think that seeing the second comming of christ and winning the lotterey on the same day would have been more reasonable then expecting frank to hit a homer and then see botch save it..... gah... we needed a sweep
  17. ok, im gonna go outside for a smoke, ill trust that frank will have a HR on the board when i get back, if so.... time to drink a few beers muhhaha
  18. HUGE SIGH OF RELEIF!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh puew come on sox!
  19. full f***ing count!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. and manuel leaves flash in, hummmm i dont know about the manuel.... gurrr
  21. ohhh s***, talk about a heart atack!
  22. its all about frank in my book, ive been a huge fan since 90.... 2 outs yes! come on flasH! frank has looked like he is turning it around some what, still not completely back to form yet... but hey, we can all hope.
  23. thanks for the welcome.... ive been reading these boards since around 01.... been a fan since around 87.... gotta love the sox, hope they can pull it together this season
  24. predictions anyone? im gonna go out on a limb and say that frank wins it with a solo hr
  25. f*** runner on... time to bit the nails and smoke a cig
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