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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxFan77

  1. No what makes sense is holding onto Fools Gold too long.. and then offer them outrageous contracts for 2 good 1/2s.. that my friend is how you build a winner!
  2. He stated he was disappointed.. That is not assuming.. Good, I know for future reference how serious to take your comments/statements
  3. No where did he state that he was excited about playing for the Friars.. only he was disappointed. Can you leave out the childish side comments...
  4. Actually, I was wrong.. 5:15 from NYC to SD 5:40 other way around.. I talk to a friend who is a pilot about it..
  5. When he got traded.. is he not allowed to be friends with the Sox players ever again? If I am leaving a job/willing or unwillingly.. I still can be friends.. A job is there to pay the bills.. not my life.. And comparing us to baseball Players is a tad naive.
  6. He is a rental player.. why would he uproot his family for 2-3 months. Read my last post to Steph about how he can come back... For you, he would come back as UTL player.. not a starter.
  7. I did.. There is no reason to be disappointed.. Its not like he can never come back.. Towers is not going to pick up his option, if he wants to bid his services for the sox next year.. welcome back.. He should be excited about a chance to make the playoffs, not bummed that he is going to a winner.
  8. And I did just that.. He is disappointed.. Why? I would be jumping for joy.. He played for the Sox.. He will love to play in SD for a winning team, with a very good shot at making the playoffs.. What is there to be disappointed in?
  9. The first part of his statement.. about being disappointed... I read into as he didn't want to leave the sox.
  10. Its a 4 hour from Chicago.. to SD.. 2 hours from Chicago to NYC.. 4+2=6.. If you can tell, I never have flown it.. Driven it.. just not flown it.
  11. Really is that professional? I don't think so.. you don't go around telling the press..ie your new team, you would have rather been on a losing club then move off to have a shot at winning. Its a business... I am sure Rob Mac is not going to be saying that if we offer him a MLC with a invite to ST.. but since he loves the Sox he will take it huh?
  12. Im all for making him a RP.. and seeing what we can make out of it this year. Or better yet shut him down till Sept time, have him work on the side with Cooper.
  13. Petco is amazing park.. The fans are a little blah though.. Padres are my Fav NL team.. and they needed a stick off the bench that can play more than one place on the field. The 6 hour flight.. that is what would tick me off If I was Mac!
  14. Yeah it must suck to go from a one of the worst teams in baseball, to a potential playoff bound one.. GOD Who would want to play for a winner?
  15. Have we not been hoping for this before the deadline? Jose is ours.. We are stuck with him..
  16. If weeks you meant Steps.. then I agree with you.
  17. I am all for the first part.. the 2nd.. not thanks.. it think its time to go outside the White Sox Org.. Need a new fresh thinking on how to rebuild this team.
  18. The Key word for the past 2-3 seasons..
  19. But only if they take a discount to play on the 2008 last place in the ALC team.. Right?
  20. A .265 hitter, with AVg Def.. I think Kw can muster that up.
  21. Better hope they don't trade Uribe.. otherwise your whole XBOX lineup for 2008 maybe shot.
  22. Damn Kw is really improving this team.. So far we traded 2 MLB.. and got back 1 Class A RP..
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